Atrial fibrillation, the causes of its occurrence and emergency care.


Atrial fibrillation - this is nothing more than aviolation of the sequence, rhythm and frequency of atrial contractions. There are two forms of this disease, namely, fibrillation and atrial flutter.

In the first case, the conversation goes about chaoticreduction of some groups of muscle fibers of the atria, the atrium itself does not decrease. But the ventricles start arrhythmically, as a rule, with a frequency of about one hundred and fifty beats per minute. This is due to the variability of atrial-gastric conduction.

Atrial flutter, on the contrary, representsa regular reduction of them with a frequency of approximately two hundred and fifty - three hundred beats per minute. The frequency of ventricular contractions in this case directly depends on the atrioventricular conduction. The ventricular rhythm can be of two types: regular and irregular.

Atrial fibrillation is persistent eitherparoxysmal. Flutter can be found ten to twenty times less than flicker. Quite often it happens that the patient has atrial fibrillation immediately in two of its hypostases.

What can serve the development of such a disease,how is atrial fibrillation? The reasons are very different. These include IHD, mitral defects, thyrotoxicosis, myocardial infarction, and even various kinds of intoxication, as well as alcoholism at all stages.

It is noteworthy that atrial fibrillationpatients may not be felt at all. However, in more detailed collection of anamnesis, the following symptoms are revealed: an arrhythmic pulse, as well as its deficiency and the variability of sonority of cardiac tones.

Some forms can be diagnosed only by ECG results. This applies to atrial flutter when there is a regular ventricular rhythm.

It is very important to identify in time a persistent, and especially paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation. Otherwise, thromboembolic complications are possible.

Atrial fibrillation, emergencywhich reduces to the introduction of cordyamine and oxygen supply to the patient, requires the elimination of the underlying heart disease and course treatment. The main thing is to restore the ventricular rhythm and bring it to seventy or eighty beats per minute. For this purpose, a systematic intake of digoxin is prescribed. And, if necessary, add also propranolol in small doses, as well as potassium preparations. In some cases, the elimination of the underlying disease leads to the restoration of sinus rhythm.

Persistent atrial fibrillation, durationwhich is up to two years, is eliminated exclusively in the hospital or by carrying out medicinal treatment, as well as electropulse. However, defibrillation can not be performed in a number of pathologies, such as significant atrial enlargement, myocarditis, marked conduction disorders, thromboembolic complications in the immediate history, and intoxication with cardiac glycosides.

In the event that in the past a patientfrequent paroxysms were observed, then the prospect of restoring sinus rhythm is small. It happens that the patient very badly tolerates paroxysms. Moreover, they are not prevented even after prolonged drug exposure. In such a situation, complete or partial dissection of the bundle with a subsequent permanent electrocardiostimulation is performed if necessary. Such an intervention is conducted in specialized institutions, and, as a rule, it gives a positive result.

It also happens that paroxysms of atrialArrhythmias cease completely spontaneously, for no apparent reason. However, any pain in the heart is a warning sign, so do not expect to get sick and let go. This can be heard quite often. Changing the rhythm, pain symptoms, burning behind the sternum - all this is a harbinger of serious heart pathologies, which can not be started in any case. As soon as you feel something similar, immediately contact your clinic. And then your health will not be threatened!