Divination by the book of changes with a detailed interpretation. Explanation of some characters

Spiritual development

To date, there is enougha lot of ways to find out your future. Most often used various devices for fortune telling - cards, runes, crystal balls. One of the popular ways is the "Book of Changes". This is a rather ancient fortune telling, which has a clear interpretation. In this article we will look at how the divination of the "Book of Changes" is going on with a detailed interpretation, its origin and method.

divination from the book of changes with a detailed interpretation

"The Book of Changes." The essence of fortune telling

The first mention of the "Book of Changes" refers toVIII-VII century BC, when it was already widespread, especially in China, where it came from. Of course, it was created much earlier. There is a legend, which refers to the emperor of ancient China, Fu Xi, one of the mythical Three Lords. Once he met the Great Dragon, on the back of which he discovered mysterious signs. He remembered them and redrawn them. After a while he began to discover the similarity of these signs with different symbols around. So he came to the conclusion that everything around has a single origin.

Later, these symbols were called trigrams(ba-gua), and they formed the basis of the Chinese letter. At the very beginning there were eight, but in the future, by combining different combinations of them, sixty-four were formed. They entered the ancient Chinese treatise "The Book of Changes." Divination with a detailed interpretation of all hexagrams became much easier and eventually spread throughout the world.

book of changes

Rules and principles of divination

So, what does the "Book of Changes" look like? Divination by the "Book of Changes" is very simple due to a clearly structured form. In it, you can find hexagrams themselves, as well as comments to them. The symbols themselves look like six lines, which can be solid or interrupted in the middle. The former are called Yang (the masculine principle) and they symbolize activity, light and tension, and the second Yin (feminine principle) is passivity, yield and darkness. Usually dashes read from below upwards, less often - on the contrary. It is their sequence and shows how the situation will develop. Also hexagrams are divided into three dashes and call them trigrams.

Next are comments on hexagrams. Here begins the most difficult. Usually they consist of various aphorisms and philosophical utterances that reflect the essence of the symbol as a whole. Also understand trigrams and individual dashes in combinations. All this text was written by not one person in different centuries. It should also be noted that you can not find a clear answer, because this or that life situation is described in the spirit of Chinese philosophy - allegorically and with the use of strange allegories for the European. That is why there is a special adapted guessing on the "Book of Changes" with a detailed interpretation. It is less deep, but understandable. In general, this method of guessing is very complicated, each statement needs to be passed through and thought out.

There are also some rules that need to be considered during the divination:

  • One and the same question can be asked only once, even if you are not satisfied with the answer;
  • for one guessing session ask only one question;
  • to unsuccessful hexagrams should be treated with the Chinese philosophy of detachment and do not despair, because behind the black strip always follows white.

Guessing on the "Book of Changes" with the help of coins

Now let's look at how the"Book of Changes" with a detailed interpretation. This is a simplified version. You will need three Chinese coins with holes inside. For the best result, silver is usually used. So, you have to ask a question and, concentrating on it, throw in turn all three coins. Before this you need to decide which of the sides of the coin will be a solid line, and which one will be intermittent. So, threw all three coins, the dropped line will be one to which their larger number corresponds. Those. if you have two dashed lines and one solid, then draw a broken line. The picture goes from top to bottom.

To get six lines, you need to quitcoins eighteen times. As a result, you will get one of the hexagrams, the decoding of which will be given to you by the "Book of Changes". Guessing on the "Book of Changes" in itself is quite simple (especially in this way), but the interpretation of the result can lead to a dead end. Therefore, give time to divination, do not do it quickly, and always think about what signs will show you.

divination book of changes with a detailed interpretation reviews

Decoding of hexagram lines

Now we consider the divination from the "Book of Changes" witha detailed interpretation of some characters. As it was said above, each hexagram contains two trigrams, of which only eight. They correspond to a certain cycle of concepts, namely heaven, earth, thunder, water, wind, fire, mountain and pond. Their combination gives a definite interpretation of hexagrams. Let us consider several of them in a simplified form.

Hexagram Qian (creativity). Its appearance is six continuous lines of Yang. It is considered a good sign, which means climbing to the top of the mountain. However, you need to be careful, because you can not go down. It is necessary to show discretion and vigilance. In six months, you are waiting for major changes, it is favorable for beginnings. A sign indicates that someone is opposing you, but you can overcome everything if you are adamant and resolute.

Hexagram Kun (execution). Its appearance is six intermittent lines. This is a female symbol, means mother earth. Your work will certainly succeed with due diligence. Cast aside self-interest and do not think about material gain, then your desire will necessarily be fulfilled (albeit not immediately). A hexagram indicates a meeting with the person you are interested in, as well as a travel ban.

book of alternations


As you can see, the very guessing is quite interesting. If you are a person with philosophical views, looking deep inward, then you will be guessing the "Book of Changes" divination with a detailed interpretation. Reviews about him are positive, working with him helps develop the spiritual principle, as well as a comprehensive vision of the problem.