How to conduct fortune-telling on a sheet of paper with a pen?

Spiritual development

In order to know your future, absolutelynot necessarily have some sort of mystical abilities or use complex rituals. There is a simple and reliable guessing on a piece of paper with a pen. If the results of the prediction of fate do not suit you, you should not take them too close to heart. Remember, this is just a warning, and you can always change everything yourself.

Guessing on a sheet of paper with a pen

Guessing on a piece of paper with a pen on love

The first method allows you to find out what the pair is waiting for infuture. For this, on a blank sheet of paper, you must write the full name of each of the partners. We consider every three words separately. If the first letter of the surname occurs again in the name, we delete it. And so we completely disassemble the full name of the girl and the guy, and then for each person we consider the unique letters separately. As a result, we got two numbers, they need to be folded. This divination on a piece of paper with a pen has precise interpretations, and we need a figure from zero to nine. If you have a two-digit number, add its symbols to each other again. What does this figure mean? Zero means the prospect of a long and happy life together, but the unit is a reminder that a couple loves one and the other allows him to love. Deuce also promises happiness together, the three hints at the presence in your relationship of the third superfluous. Four is a figure that predicts an early separation and happiness for each of the partners. Five says that you are not created for each other. Six means the relationship of calculation, at least one side. Seven is a sign that in the near future there will be an event that can lead to serious changes. The eight speaks about the shyness of the partner, and if you want the development of relations, it is worth taking the initiative. Nine is also a good figure, the feelings in your couple are strong and mutual.

Guessing on a sheet of paper with a pen for the near future

Guessing on a piece of paper
This fortune telling can be done alone orcompany. It will be suitable as an entertainment for guests on New Year's Eve or at Christmas. Cut a sheet of paper into the same pieces, write a wish-prediction on each one. Fold all the leaves so that it is impossible to read the written. Place them in a container or bag and mix, leave until the morning or start to guess at once. Each participant must pull out one prediction. For the sake of justice, leave one leaflet empty, it will mean that no significant changes will occur.

Guessing on a piece of paper with a pen

How often does fortune telling on a piece of paper give the right answers?

Despite its simplicity, fortune telling on paperoften give truthful answers to the questions posed. But nevertheless it is necessary to observe certain rules. Before the session of divination, try to rest well and distract yourself from extraneous thoughts. Conduct the ritual by concentrating, in silence or under calm music. Guessing on a sheet of paper with a pen should not be done too often, otherwise all predictions will not succeed. If you follow these simple recommendations, you will receive regular answers to your questions on a regular basis.