The medicine "Genferon" (candles). Reviews. Description


About the medicine "Genferon-Light" (candles) reviews you canmeet different. Some experts say that the drug is the most effective immunomodulating agent. Other physicians indicate frequent development with side effects.

The drug "Genferon" is available in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories.

Active substances: taurine and alpha-2b interferon.

The medicine "Genferon" (candles) - reviews of a number of specialists confirm this - it has a combined effect on the body. The medication has local and systemic activity.

Alpha-2b human recombinant interferonhas antiproliferative, immunomodulating, antibacterial and antiviral effects. Antiviral action is based on the activation of certain enzymes within the cells that oppress the spread of viruses. Immunomodulating effects are due to increased reactions of the defense system. Antibacterial effect is based on the enhancement of the immune response.

The taurine component participates in the regenerativeprocesses, normalizes metabolism. In addition, the substance has an immunomodulating and membrane-stabilizing effect. Taurine, being a rather powerful antioxidant, interacts with active oxygen forms, which, accumulating in excess, lead to pathological processes. The component also preserves the biological activity of interferon, thereby enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of the drug.

When administered to the rectum, the drug "Genferon"(candles) - reviews and comments of experts confirm this - has a pronounced local and systemic impact. Bioavailability of the drug is about eighty percent.

When using vaginal suppositories, a marked local effect is noted. Due to the low absorption capacity of the vaginal mucosa, the systemic effect is negligible.

After the introduction of the drug "Genferon" (candles) -reviews of specialists who conducted the studies, it is confirmed - the effect is achieved after five hours. Interferon is excreted mainly by the kidneys. The half-life is twelve hours. In this regard, there is a need for a double application of the drug per day.

The medicine "Genferon" (candles) - reviews of patients anddoctors confirm this - it is effective in the treatment of diseases of the infectious and inflammatory nature of the urogenital tract in women, including pregnant women. The drug is shown in combination therapy and other pathologies of the viral nature.

"Genferon" (candles) for children - reviewsdoctors are unified in this matter - up to seven years should be used in the dosage of 125 thousand IU alpha-2b interferon per suppository. Since the age of seven, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 250,000 IU.

Dosage regimen should be established by a specialist in accordance with the clinical picture.

As a rule, in acute infections of the urogenital tract, children are given rectally twice a day by the suppository. Therapy lasts ten days.

Pregnant women with acute infections of the urogenital tract are recommended to inject only one vagina per suppository twice a day. Treatment lasts ten days.

The rest of the women can enter candles likerectally, and vaginally. With prolonged course of infection, it is recommended to use the medicine three times a week every other day through the suppository. Therapy lasts from one to three months.

As practice shows, if observedthe prescription of the doctor during the therapeutic course of side effects does not arise. In some cases, however, allergic reactions associated with intolerance of the components may develop. If there are side effects, the drug is canceled.

Before using the medicine "Genferon" (suppositories) it is necessary to visit a doctor for consultations.