If there is prolapse of the mitral valve, are they taken into the army?


Many have heard that there is such a disease -prolapse of the mitral valve of the heart. But not everyone knows where the valve is located, how dangerous this disease is with physical exertion. In this regard, young people are often interested in the following: if there is a prolapse of the mitral valve, are they taken into the army.

Where it is located?

mitral valve prolapse

The mitral valve is located between the leftatrium and right ventricle. It has two valves that open during contractions of the left ventricle. Blood, saturated with oxygen, from the right atrium is pushed into the left ventricle, from which it then carries oxygen to other organs. The mitral valve does not allow blood to be thrown back into the left ventricle.

What is a mitral valve prolapse?

mitral valve prolapse is taken into the army

During operation, the valve leaf is tightThey adjoin each other and are closed due to the fact that the valve is sufficiently tight. Sometimes it is a little stretched, so tightly close the entrance to the left ventricle can not. As a result, the blood is partially thrown back into the ventricle. In medicine, the disease is abbreviated as PMC abbreviation. There are three degrees of the disease, which depend on the degree of deflection of the valves:

  • I degree - the easiest condition, when the disease is asymptomatic, a person about PMC may not suspect;
  • II degree - the deflection of the valve is more significant, it can cause pain in the heart with vegetative reactions, dizziness, pre-fainting conditions and fainting, but does not require treatment;
  • III degree - the magnitude of the reverse flow of blood is significant, requires surgical intervention to correct the flow.

If there is prolapse of the mitral valve, are they taken into the army?

If a person has a PMC of the I-II degree,the disease does not require treatment. Most often it occurs without symptoms. Determine the presence of prolapse is possible only on echocardiography. During the diagnostic process, it is possible to determine the degree of sagging, the magnitude of the backflow, and the presence of concomitant disorders. Visually, prolapse can be detected only when the blood is injected strongly into the left ventricle while listening to the heart rhythm. In this case, soft systolic noises are recorded. Therefore, when asked if there is a prolapse of the mitral valve, whether it is taken to the army, definitely "yes" can be answered when the disease is not manifested (stage I-II). In this case, the ailment does not affect physical activity, an active lifestyle. In other cases, a cardiologist is required.

How to eliminate PMC?

primary mitral valve prolapse

In the first and second stage, treatment is not required. If there are vegetative reactions, dizziness, pain in the heart, especially with physical exertion, therapy is to eliminate such manifestations. Surgical intervention is performed with PMC of the third degree, when blood is thrown back with a strong current, causing acute heart failure. In severe cases, the valve is replaced by an artificial analog, but the latter has a limited service life: approximately 15 years. When abrasion, its replacement is again necessary. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in adolescents during a period of active growth, when the heart does not have time to develop as quickly. This is the primary prolapse of the mitral valve. In this case, when asked if there is a prolapse of the mitral valve, whether it is taken to the army, it is possible to answer "yes", but only at the first degree of PMC.