Tumor on the leg


Tumor on the leg can begin at differentdiseases that originate in the musculoskeletal apparatus of our body. These tumors occur when a knee injury occurs, with a disease called osteoporosis. Also, swelling on the foot can occur with gout. Doctors usually excrete, various causes are swollen, as well as their symptoms.

There are the following tumor symptoms in medicine:

  • redness on the surface of the skin where the tumor is located;
  • patients complain of frequent and severe swelling of the extremities or of the joints themselves;
  • surveys show that when the tumor on the leg shows fragility of bones in the area of ​​the disease, this symptom is most common in children;
  • it is very difficult to move the leg, this is due to intense pain;
  • acute and aching pain in the joints, which lastsFor a long time, without ceasing, is one of the most important and noticeable symptoms. Because of severe pain, insomnia can develop. If the pain is constant and does not give you rest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Usually, when a person has a knee swelling, this is a transient phenomenon. But with diseases of the musculoskeletal system - this phenomenon is noted constantly during the period of exacerbation.

Scientists distinguish two types of tumors on the leg, in which the doctor is exactly oriented, at what stage the disease develops:

  1. primary;
  2. secondary.

In medical practice, it is very rarely foundand there are primary tumors, and secondary ones are very dangerous, the main thing is to find this tumor in time, while it is in the nascent stage, and to neutralize it. The methods of treatment for these types of tumors are completely different. But, most importantly, that you are timely turned to the doctor, and he appointed the necessary treatment.

The most popular and frequenta tumor on the leg called myeloma. Of the 100 percent of all cases, it is now 40 - this is a very impressive and significant figure. Myeloma looks like a tumor that spreads in the bone marrow of a person. This tumor is secondary.

Second place after myeloma is osteogenicsarcoma. This tumor on the foot is primary and is 33 percent of all cases. Sarcoma is found on the feet (it is a knee swelling tumor) and is less common in the arms. This disease in the statistics is affected by teenage children, and mostly boys.

In third place in prevalence, this ischondrosarcoma, it accounts for 13 percent. It occurs on the upper parts of the legs. Doctors most often recognize it in middle-aged and even elderly people. In general, this type of tumor is sick again, men. This disease is primary.

They rarely encounter a histiocytoma. This disease spreads in the region of the knee joint. But the tumor does not spare anyone. In general, it occurs in elderly people, both in men and women.

Doctors identify the causes of these types of diseases, which are as follows:

  • where does the primary type of tumors come from,insufficiently investigated. Those people who have chronic bone diseases, in the first place, are at risk of further development of osteogenic sarcoma, but already in old age. This tumor occurs in a small number of people;
  • secondary tumors on the leg develop due toonce obtained primary tumor, but already in other organs of man. Very rarely there are cases when the primary tumor develops into primary cancer at the initial stage. What is most terrible is that the primary cancer does not show any symptoms of the tumor developing in the human body. Often it makes itself felt only at the last stage of the disease.
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