The concept and types of social norms adopted in society


The concept and classification of social norms begin from the moment when they are clearly delimited from the second type of norms - technical ones.

The rules of society are the governing relationsbetween the behavior of a person and the actions of an organization laws. They help society to function harmoniously and expediently, to achieve together what a person can not achieve alone.

There were social norms for a very long time,developed in parallel with the development of human society and passed from one generation to another. The reason for their appearance was the need to control people's behavior with the help of rules common to most.

The concept and types of social norms depend on two criteria:

- the way of their creation, occurrence;
- ways to protect them from violations.

Based on these criteria, the concept and types of social norms are as follows:

1. Norms of law - are established and protected by the state.

2. Norms of morality. These rules of behavior depend on how people imagine such moral categories as evil, good, justice,
injustice, honor, dignity, duty. They are guarded by the inner faith of a person or the influence of the opinion of the majority.

3. Norms of public organizations. They are established by the organizations themselves, which initially provide for the measures of influence for their protection.

4. Norms of customs - these are the rules that have developed in a particular society and entered the habit of people as a result of their repeated repetition.

5. Norms of tradition are the most stable laws of behavior, they arise when in some sphere of people's life people are supported by proven
time of the foundations.

6. Norms of rituals indicate how to behave during the performance of certain ceremonies (marriage, public holidays, meetings of officials). Specificity
their embodiment, realization - entertainment, theatrical design.

The concept and types of social norms depend not only on the way they are established in society and the savings from violations. Their relevance also matters.
In terms of content, the concept and types of social norms are distinguished by the following:

- technical;
- economic - manage the forms of ownership, the production of material goods and their distribution;
- labor;
- Family;
- ecological;
- political - regulate the process of struggle for political power, the relationship between peoples, classes, etc .;
- Religious - manage relations between religions, conduct religious rites;
- cultural, etc.

The laws adopted in the society, there are a number of signs characteristic of them, which help to regulate relations in society, to influence people's behavior in emerging situations.

The notion and signs of social norms:

First, these are the established rules of conduct insociety. The state, organizations or collective of people indicate how people should behave, what actions they take and which ones they do not. In accordance with these samples, they correct their own behavior, they are equal.

Secondly, social norms are general, not individual, that is, all people who find themselves in the field
their impact.

Thirdly, they are not just important for all people, butThey are also obligatory for those members of the society who are directly affected. Social norms are so obligatory (and not only legal ones) that those who violate them can be exposed to the influence of society or the leadership of the country. The state applies measures if a person violates legal laws, and society reacts in the form of censure, conviction, alienation in case of violation of moral.
The totality and interconnection of social norms constitute the rules of the community of people.