Hudson River in New York

News and Society

Which river in New York flows throughthe whole staff? The answer to the question is Hudson. Its small tributaries staff was broken up into parts. The river is named in honor of the Englishman Henry Hudson, a researcher of the riverbed, first landed here in 1609. In its upper reaches often there are waterfalls of different heights, often thresholds are formed. The mouth of the river, which is regularly flooded, has a different depth - from 3 to 14 meters. Passing through the bay, the Hudson flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The watercourse has an underwater valley, after entering the estuary it falls to a level of 200-250 km. The length of the river is 492 km (however, some scientists provide another figure - 520 km).

Location, mouth and source, tributaries

Hudson is a river in New York, originating ina mountain range called Andirondak. It completely flows through the territory of the said state. This reservoir has long been a conditional boundary between the districts of New Jersey and New York. Thanks to the estuary, the two districts are divided. The mouth is called the bay of the Atlantic Ocean. At this point, the river in New York used to have a lot of fish, but due to strong pollution, its quantity and species diversity decreased noticeably.

Near the city of Troy is the largestthe Hudson tributary is the Mohawk. In this territory the river is navigable. It also has connections with some large lakes. In addition to New York, there are 4 other settlements on the pond.

what kind of river is in york

Historical facts

Many people know "Miracle on the Hudson", news aboutwhich flew around the world. Once an emergency landing of a passenger aircraft was carried out on the reservoir. Faced with a flock of birds when climbing, the airliner lost two engines at once. The crew decided to land on the river, as there was a threat of falling onto a crowded city. None of those who were on board were injured.

river in new york

For the first time in 1524, the European traveled ashoresuch a pond as this famous river in New York. They became the Italian navigator Giovanni da Verrazzano. Almost a century later, the Englishman Henry Hudson was there. He studied the bed of the river as completely as at that time the instruments, instruments and methods of research allowed. It was in honor of this navigator that this river was named in New York. In English, the hydronym sounds like Hudson (Hudson).