The norm of hemoglobin in a child at different ages

home and family

At any age of the child should be consideredcalorie content and the amount of trace elements in the products that he eats. One of the main and important elements in the body is iron, because a sufficient amount of it normalizes the hemoglobin level in the blood.

Periodic medical examination

Constantly growing baby from the first days of liferequires an increasing amount of nutrition, it follows that its need for iron intake also grows. The amount and shortage of hemoglobin can be determined by passing a complete blood count. In order to objectively evaluate laboratory data, you need to know what the rate of hemoglobin should be in children, depending on their age.

Importance of hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a protein that cansynthesize the body of each person. This substance is part of the red blood cells. The main task of this chemical element is to transfer oxygen from the respiratory organs to all human tissues.

The structure of hemoglobin consists of an iron atom, due to which the blood is colored red.

hemoglobin in the blood under a microscope

Protein, which contains iron in the body of a child, comes in two forms:

  • Reduced (freed from oxygen). It moves through the veins and is colored dark red.

  • Oxyhemoglobin (enriched with oxygen). It is delivered to the tissue through the arterial ways and has a bright scarlet color.

In the lungs, the atoms of iron combine with oxygen, and then, along with the blood, spread through the arteries, enriching the tissues with the substances necessary for life.

In the body of a healthy person, hemoglobin producesBone marrow. If physical or nervous exhaustion occurs, the spleen, liver and lymph nodes assume the function of developing this substance.

In babies up to one year old, hemoglobin is called fetal. In the future, it will be replaced by glycosylated hemoglobin, which is characteristic of the adult population. When the child’s body has insufficient iron, the hemoglobin level is significantly reduced, which leads to disruption of the tissue supply with nutrients and oxygen. As a result of such a crisis, the infant becomes drowsy, his appetite disappears, he becomes overworked, he is unable to move and play much. The condition when hemoglobin in the body is reduced to the minimum amount is called iron deficiency anemia.

Hemoglobin values

Norm hemoglobin in the blood of children who onlyborn, as well as at the tots of the year is completely different. It ranges from 90 to 230 g / l. During the first days of life in a person, 145-230 g / l is considered the norm. This figure is considered the highest in children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 years.

A decrease in hemoglobin in a month-old baby is the norm. Its smallest value is formed by two months of a child’s life. This is explained by the fact that the baby's iron reserves accumulated in the womb are almost completely exhausted. Now the only source of beneficial trace elements is breast milk or infant formula. During active growth, the toddler requires the ingestion of many different substances, which is why the young nursing mother is required to follow a strict diet. It is especially important to supplement it in your diet with meat and plant products, because they are saturated with iron.

hemoglobin in children

When it's time to feed the babyother products, in addition to breast milk, the baby's body begins to slowly replenish reserves of iron and other chemical elements involved in blood clotting. This process begins with about six months of life. By year 1, biochemical processes are activated in the children's body, as a result of which hemoglobin is synthesized independently and in the right amount.

The risk of anemia in children

Iron deficiency anemia most often occurs inbabies who have not been breastfed by their mother. However, it should be borne in mind that if, before the birth of the child, the mother found a low level of hemoglobin, then the future crumbs are still at risk of anemia, even if breastfed.

A sharp decrease in hemoglobin immediately after birth may be due to a natural increase in pressure after birth. This case is characterized by suppression of hemoglobin synthesis by the bone marrow.

doctor's prescriptions for baby's health

A disease such as iron deficiency anemia,divided into physiological and iron deficiency. The first comes as a result of a decrease in the body's ability to synthesize hemoglobin. The second is manifested in children older than four months. It can manifest itself as a result of a small amount of iron entering the child’s body, or poor absorption of trace elements. That is why it is important to know which hemoglobin indicator in children at 4 months is the norm.

The rate of hemoglobin

Hemoglobin deficiency

In order to properly understand the testimony of laboratory studies, you need to compare them with the readings of the tables:

Norm of hemoglobin in children under one year of age who were born at the time specified by the doctor

The number of days of life

Hemoglobin content, g / l


≈ 192


≈ 183


≈ 185


≈ 174


≈ 137


≈ 113


≈ 115


≈ 123

From six months to a year

≈ 125

Hemoglobin problems during early labor

During preterm labor, the baby experiencessevere stress, because the sharp untimely process of transition from fetal hemoglobin to normal has not yet begun. As a result, oxygen starvation begins. Based on this, the level of protein in the blood of a premature infant will differ significantly from children born at the planned time. This can be seen in the following table:

Norm of hemoglobin in a child after preterm birth

The number of days of life

Hemoglobin content, g / l


≈ 190


≈ 188


≈ 153


≈ 113


≈ 91

This table shows the data for birthspremature babies up to two months of life. This period is the most vulnerable for them. At 3 months the rate of hemoglobin in a child born earlier than the prescribed time remains approximately at the same level.

Conclusions from the indicators of tables

A few months after giving birth prematurethe child gets used to the new habitat for him, gaining strength. Eating mother's milk or formula, he gets a sufficient amount of trace elements, so important for his health and well-being. Based on the indicators of the two tables, we can draw several conclusions that relate to the hemoglobin standards in a child at different stages of development:

  • In the first two months of life in infants, the level of iron decreases due to the presence of a fetal hemoglobin variety, which tends to be poorly separated from oxygen molecules.

  • The child leaves the mother's womb with an increased level of hemoglobin compared with the average data. This factor does not depend on the time when the delivery took place.

  • In children born prematurely, fallshemoglobin index is much faster than in healthy children. That is why such babies should always be under special control by a pediatrician to receive timely and high-quality treatment.

  • After two months of life in infants, the glycosylated blood counts should increase significantly. As a result, the indicators reach average values ​​(about 125 g / l) by the year.

Norm hemoglobin at different ages

To find out what the average rate of hemoglobin in a child is 2 years old and older, you should carefully study the following table:

Hemoglobin values ​​in children over one year of age.

Age (years)

Blood level g / l


≈ 125


≈ 120


≈ 125


≈ 135


≈ 135


≈ 140


≈ 130

From this table it follows that the levelhemoglobin practically does not change in children after a year of life. It remains the same until the age of majority. The amount of iron content in the human body can vary from year to 18 years, it all depends on the individual characteristics. The main thing is that the indicator fit into the established framework.

healthy child

During puberty (12 years), the rate of hemoglobin in a child, depending on gender, may differ, but not more than 10 units.

Symptoms of hemoglobin deficiency

Parents can understand that their fumes do not have enough iron in the body, according to the following features:

  1. Dyspnea.
  2. Heart palpitations.
  3. Lack of appetite.
  4. Increased nervousness.
  5. Drowsiness.
  6. Pallor of the skin.
  7. The emergence of strange preferences for food, namely: a child can eat chalk chalk, coal. Also, perhaps he would like to eat fried foods in large quantities.

Such symptoms should alert adults. It is best not to engage in self-medication, giving the child drugs containing a high rate of iron, and immediately contact a pediatrician for professional advice.

Hemoglobin in humans

After collecting a general blood test to identifydeviations from the norm of hemoglobin in the child should take appropriate measures. The sooner the fight against ailments is started, the more chances there will be to eliminate anemia resulting from iron deficiency.