The main causes of menstrual cycle delay


causes of menstrual cycle delay

Surely everyone knows that most oftenpregnancy becomes the main reason why there is a delay in the menstrual cycle. Is the test negative? There are no other accompanying symptoms? Then, most likely, the problem lies not in the imminent emergence of a new life. Are there any other reasons for delaying the menstrual cycle? We will discuss this in detail in this article.

What is usually considered a so-called delay?

As is known, the duration of the monthly cycle inthe woman is normally between 21 and about 35 days. In this case, the duration of menstruation varies from three to seven days. If they happen more often, namely several times a month, it's time to sound an alarm. No less fear is caused by the so-called delay, which in medicine is called amenorrhea.

delay in the menstrual cycle test negative

Cycle delay. Causes

  • Various kinds of hormonal failures. According to experts, during puberty, and also at the time of onset of menopause, the hormonal background of absolutely every lady is very unstable. It is the fluctuations of hormones often lead to a disruption of menstruation. That's why many teenagers and women after forty know that the reasons for the delay of the menstrual cycle are hidden in the changes in the body. As for young girls, then literally after the first month, the situation should completely normalize. Otherwise, a consultation with a gynecologist is required.
  • Regular stress and fatigue are veryCommon causes of menstrual cycle delay. The thing is that not only the sexual system of a woman takes the most active part in the regulation of menstruation, but also the central nervous system. Proceeding from this, it can be argued that regular stresses often cause delays. Intellectual overload, climate change, lack of sleep, lack of vacation, a sharp decrease in weight - these are just some of the factors that cause amenorrhea.
  • Pathology of the ovaries. Delay can also occur against the background of inflammatory processes in the ovaries and appendages. Note that with such serious diagnoses failures can occur not only in one cycle. In this kind of situation, experts recommend to immediately apply to a gynecologist, undergo a survey and the appropriate course of treatment. After all, in the absence of competent therapy, the probability of infertility is high.
  • cause cycle delay
    Lactation. It is believed that amenorrhea in lactating women is quite normal. The thing is that at this time in the body significantly increases the amount of the hormone prolactin, which, in turn, reduces the level of estrogen. However, as the amount of milk decreases, the reverse processes are also observed with prolactin. As a consequence, the normal function of the ovaries is consistently restored, the periods appear monthly. After the complete cessation of lactation, as a rule, within two months the cycle is completely normalized.


In conclusion, it should be noted that in thisarticle, we did not mention all the reasons for the delay in the menstrual cycle. In fact, there are more of them. If you notice this problem, please consult a qualified specialist without delay. The doctor, in turn, after all the tests will determine the true cause and will appoint competent treatment. Be healthy!