Furuncle in an intimate place


A furuncle is called chiray in another way. The cause is usually a bacterium such as staphylococcus, which causes inflammation of the hair bulb and those tissues that surround it, as well as the formation of pus in it. This furuncle occurs only where the hair grows and there are hair follicles. Most often it appears on the face, back, back of the neck, neck, armpits, arms, legs, buttocks and intimate parts of the body. The last place of localization of boil is discussed below. But it should be remembered that boils never appear in the armpits.

Extrusion of the boil, wherever it is, is strictly prohibited, since a healthy skin next to it can get infected. And in the end, the number of new chiruses will increase many times.

The cause of this contagious diseasephysicians consider contaminated skin, minor injuries, weakened immune system, not very good living conditions, excessive sweating, as well as cuts when shaving.


Furuncle in an intimate place has three stagesdevelopment. First, a slight redness appears on the skin where the hair follicles are located, and there is also swelling. At the second stage, necrosis of cells is formed. During the third final stage, the pus from the boil goes out. But the last stage does not always go smoothly and it should be taken into account. Especially dangerous is when the autopsy occurs inside.


If no treatment is applied to the boil, then hewill come in a week. But a furuncle on the pubis does not just happen. Here, the appropriate treatment, which is prescribed by the doctor, is already required. He will send you to take tests for elevated blood sugar, because in most cases, diabetes provokes the appearance of a purulent boil.

Painful sensations that cause a boilin an intimate place, are accompanied in most cases by elevated temperatures. If, suddenly, the furuncle does not ripen, then it needs mandatory medical treatment, in which it is opened and the accumulated pus is removed. But not always it is possible to manage only opening and clearing of a purulent core, treatment with antiseptics and ointments will also be superfluous.

How should you treat a boil in an intimate place? Treatment with surgery is the only sure way to get rid of it. The removal itself is performed with local anesthesia, so patients should not be afraid.

The opened furuncle in an intimate place is exposeddrainage with subsequent application of a gauze tampon moistened with antiseptic to the place of opening. It will not be superfluous to visit certain procedures that will help to quickly heal the wound. For example, go to infrared radiation, UHF, electrophoresis with copper and zinc salts, and also on darsonvalization.

To warm the furuncle faster, a warming compress is used. It is done this way: ethyl alcohol is diluted with water, or instead of alcohol, you can take a 5-10% solution of ichthyol.

In order not to get complications, the doctor prescribes intramuscular injections of certain antibiotics, proteins, vitamins and other immunomodulators.

Another effective way in which a furuncle in an intimate place disappears quickly is autohemotherapy, in which the patient's venous blood is injected into the patient's muscle.

During treatment it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol, and also try not to consume spicy food and various sweets.

If your house has grasses such as nettles,sequins, calendula flowers, St. John's wort or chamomile, then for prevention you can weld a decoction of them, which is taken three times a day for a month for one-third of the glass.