Midokalm - injections


The drug "Midokalm" (injections) is issued in the form ofsolution. The agent may be colorless or slightly greenish in color. "Midokalm" (nyxes) has a specific smell. There are no mechanical inclusions in the solution.

Active ingredients: lidocaine, Tolperisone.

Auxiliary components: water, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, methylparaben.

"Midokalm" (injections) is included in the group of muscle relaxantscentral action. The drug has a local anesthetic, as well as a membrane-stabilizing property. The medication has the ability to inhibit the impulse conductivity of the primary afferent fibers and motor neurons. This leads to blocking in the spinal cord of polysynaptic and monosynaptic reflexes.

"Midokalm" is able to increase blood flow(peripheral), regardless of the central nervous system. The formation of this property is due to the weakly expressed adrenoblocking and spasmolytic effect of the active component of tolperisone.

"Midokalm" (injections). Instructions. Indications.

The drug is prescribed in the treatment of musclespasms, contractures and increased tone accompanying the pathology of the motor system. Diseases, in particular, include spondylarthrosis, spondylosis, arthrosis in large joints and others. Also, "Midokalm" (injections) is indicated for the therapy of pathologically increased muscle tone and spasms in the striated muscles, caused by organic diseases of the central nervous system. Such pathologies include multiple sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, stroke, affection in pyramidal ways, myelopathy.

The medication is also used for restorative therapy after traumatological and orthopedic interventions.

The drug is included in the combinedtreatment of obliterating vascular lesions (diabetic angiopathy, Raynaud's disease and others), as well as pathologies that resulted from a disorder in the innervation of blood vessels (acrocyanosis and others).

Midsummer. Instructions for use

The injections are prescribed to adults intramuscularly twice a day for one hundred milligrams. Slow intravenous administration once a day in the above dosage is acceptable.

As adverse events, vomitivedesires, discomfort in the stomach, headache, weakness in the muscles, hypotension (arterial). As a rule, with a decrease in the dosage of the drug administered, undesirable reactions pass.

In some cases, itching, hives, anaphylactic shock, erythema may occur.

The medication is not prescribed for myasthenia gravis, inchildhood, as well as with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. During lactation, during the first trimester of the prenatal period, the expediency of using the medication is allowed according to the doctor's prescription.

Midokalm does not have a negative impact on the ability to drive transport and perform activities that involve increased concentration of attention and a high rate of psychomotor reactions.

Cases of overdose in practice are describedis not enough. However, according to the results of animal studies, with the oral administration of the medication "Midokalm-Richter" in increased doses, there was ataxia, respiratory paralysis, dyspnea, tonic convulsions. Specific antidote is not developed. Treatment of overdose is recommended based on symptoms (symptomatic).

Despite the fact that Tolperisone is able tohave an effect on the central nervous system, it does not have a sedative effect. In this regard, its use in combination with hypnotics, sedatives containing ethanol is allowed.

Pharmacies are dispensed from pharmacies on the basis of prescription. Shelf life of the medication is three years.