In what cases is treatment harmful, or Contraindications to shock wave therapy


Shockwave therapy became almost a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

contra-indication of shock wave therapy
It was discovered by Swiss scientists, and thenfinalized by the Germans. After research in the clinics of these countries, this method began its triumphal march across Europe. Its popularity is influenced by the fact that contra-indications of shock wave therapy are insignificant, but it has a very effective help.

What is the essence of this procedure?

Imagine a tsunami. What strength and power this wave possesses! But if its destructive energetics were to be channeled for good, how much could be done. Shockwave therapy is the same as a tsunami. Only doctors have learned to manage it and apply it in the treatment of various bone diseases. Contra-indications of shock wave therapy have a very limited range, which allows using this procedure quite widely.

This method is mainly designed for patients,suffering from chronic inflammations of soft tissues, the presence of seals in the places of attachment of muscles and tendons. Usually it is common for people involved in professional sports, as well as for young and elderly citizens.

shock wave therapy

Treatment with shock wave therapy is based on high-energy vibration. The doctor directs her to the affected area resulting in:

  • pains decrease;
  • blood circulation in the area of ​​localization of the disease is activated;
  • become loose tissue seals, the so-called fibrous foci;
  • there is a gradual resorption of growths.

The advantages of this method are that:

  • the possibility of a targeted effect on the focus of the disease; the impulse does not just pass through the body, but spreads precisely in the area of ​​pain localization;
  • Do not injure the skin and soft tissues;
  • this method can be used without anesthesia;
  • pain symptoms are removed immediately during the procedure;
  • contra-indications of shock wave therapy are incomparable with contraindications for surgical intervention in diseases of bone tissues.
    shock wave therapy cost

The features of the impact of a shock wave are determinedeffectiveness of treatment. It is noteworthy that this method has both early effects and remote ones. To early it is possible to carry acceleration of internal processes, improvement of microcirculation, local reduction of pain during the procedure. A group of long-term effects that do not immediately manifest include:

  • loosening of foci of salt deposition;
  • restoration of elasticity and ligament structure;
  • increased growth of capillaries, restoring blood supply in tissues.

Contraindications shock wave therapy havelimited circle. They apply to pregnant women with oncological diseases, as well as people suffering from bleeding disorders and osteoporosis.

In all other cases, this procedureis a magic wand-help. After all, the effectiveness of treatment of many diseases has increased since the introduction of shock wave therapy. The cost of this service is low, at the beginning of 2013 it was only 1800 rubles. For treatment, which allows to avoid surgery, such a price is a mere penny.