Urolithiasis disease. Treatment or self-medication?


Urolithiasis refers to disruption of work(disease) in which concretions are formed in the urinary organs - dense stony formations, fissures or accumulations of chemical residues: urates, carbonates, phosphates, sometimes xanthine, soaps, sulfur, etc.

This disease doctors call urolithiasis, butsometimes the term "nephrolithiasis" is used synonymously. Diseases, indeed, are similar in their flow. However, nephrolithiasis is kidney stone kidney disease, which is treated differently.

The appearance of stones is caused by different reasons. This may be a general malfunction in the body, for example, a decrease in immunity, pregnancy or disruption of some organ, a change in the chemical composition of the secret produced.

What to do if the diagnosis is "urolithicdisease"? Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. It is he who can determine the location of the stones, their chemical composition, the potential danger that they carry to the body. Home treatment methods are either ineffective or harmful. They can complement medical treatment (if the doctor permits), but, in no case, do not replace it completely.

How is urolithiasis treated? Treatment can be different, it completely depends on the characteristics of the patient's body.

Open surgery (cavitaryoperation). This is a traditional but increasingly less used method. It is effective, but it severely traumatizes the body, requires a lot of time for recovery, threatens with some complications (for example, infection). Today it is offered only if the stones are very large, they can be removed only by cutting the tissue around them.

More popular today sparing methods of healinga disease called "urolithiasis". Treatment may be an endoscopic operation. The specialist makes an incision in the side of the patient, through which, using an endoscope, he takes out the stones. Sometimes an incision is not done, but stones are removed through the urethra, which is even more complicated than through a cut in the side. The operation is not traumatic, but it can also be accompanied by complications and requires anesthesia.

The most modern method of remotelithotripsy. When a doctor makes a diagnosis of "urolithiasis", treatment may consist in the impact of a shock wave on the body. Such a wave is formed in a special apparatus and is directed to the place where the stone is located. This method is outpatient, does not require any incisions, or hospitalization. He is somewhat painful, but effective. Destruction is not amenable to very large or too dense stones. However, the professionalism of the doctor, his accuracy plays a big role in this method of treatment.

There is also a therapeutic method of getting rid of stones. This dissolution with the help of medications: phytolysin, cystone and others. However, it also does not give 100% results.

So what to choose when the doctor determined that the patient has urolithiasis? Treatment with specialists or advice of home-grown healers, folk methods?

Of course, treatment by specialists. It is the doctor who can determine if the patient is worried about liver inflammation, peritoneal or urolithiasis. Treatment with folk remedies without a diagnosis can lead to death. Another thing is that, in addition to surgical intervention or a therapeutic course of treatment, decoctions or infusions, recognized in traditional medicine, but recommended by a doctor, can be used. Do you need to experience dubious methods, taking on faith everything that the illiterate folk healers say? Or still trust in highly qualified specialists?