Thiopental sodium - method of application


"Thiopental sodium" is a drya porous mass of greenish-yellow color. It dissolves easily in water. Prepare a solution of this drug immediately before the beginning of its use.

"Thiopental sodium" is used for anesthesia,and it is achieved both with intravenous administration of the drug, and with rectal administration. Also, it is possible to immerse a person in the state of anesthesia and by introducing this agent intramuscularly, but this method is used very rarely.

If "Thiopental sodium" is applied correctly, thena person enters the state of anesthesia easily and very quickly, while vomiting and agitation almost never occur. If anesthesia is used for surgical intervention, the patient has no corneal and tendon reflexes, the pupils may narrow somewhat, but they usually remain normal, the eyeballs become immobile. Also, the muscles of the pharynx relax, while the tongue sags, the pressure decreases and the frequency and depth of breathing decreases. It should be noted that, even when in deep anesthesia, which is caused by the administration of this drug, complete relaxation of the muscles of the abdominal wall does not occur in all patients.

"Thiopental sodium" is fairly quickly derived fromorganism, and its one-time use introduces a person into anesthesia for 20-25 minutes. Immediately after awakening, the analgesic effect of the drug stops.

Indications for use of the drug

Mostly said means are usedat carrying out of short-term surgical intervention. It is also used for introductory anesthesia followed by the use of more powerful anesthetics. Often the drug is used together with muscle relaxants, if IVL is performed.

"Thiopental sodium": instructions for use

For adult patients, 2 or 2.5%solution of the drug, and for children, the elderly or weakened patients, 1% solution is possible. If "Tiopental sodium" is used for an initial anesthesia or for minor surgery as the only narcotic, then you must inject 20-30 ml of the solution intravenously. The maximum dose of 2% solution of the drug that can be used for adult patients is 50 ml, with this solution being administered slowly, first a small dose, and after 30 seconds, the rest of the amount.

Usually the drug lasts up to 25 minutes, but it depends not only on how much it is administered, but also on the individual qualities of each person.

For basic anesthesia, the drugis used for children who have high levels of excitability, as well as people with thyrotoxicosis. In these cases, a 5% solution of "Tiopental sodium" is often used, which is heated to 32-35 ° C and injected rectally, preferably not in the operating room, but in a more familiar environment for the patient. Children under three years of age are rectally administered 0.04 grams, and children up to seven years of age are administered 0.05 g of the drug for each year of life.

Contraindications for use

You can not use this tool for people who havewhich are observed organic diseases of the liver, kidneys, those who have diabetes, people who are in shock. Also, the drug is not used in the presence of inflammation of the nasopharynx, in cases of circulatory disorders, people in a febrile state.

Possible side effects:

- the appearance of a cough;

- occurrence of laryngospasm, bronchospasm and hypersalivation;

- with respiratory depression and arterial hypotension.

To prevent the emergence of complications thatare due to the fact that the tone of the vagus nerve increases, before introducing anesthesia, you must enter "Metacin" or "Atropine." The solution of this drug should not be mixed with solutions of "Aminazine", "Pentamine", "Ditilin", "Diprazin" and "Arfonada."