Can I brush my teeth with soda? Baking soda for teeth: benefit and harm


Many people do not even realize the miraculousproperties and features of soda when brushing your teeth. There will also be indicated contraindications to this procedure and the possible consequences of its implementation. We will look at the different ways of preparing the means for cleaning the teeth.

What is soda?

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, or whitepowder mixed with various crystalline minerals — it has many names that are not familiar to the average person. The whitening effect occurs due to these crystals. But there is a minus - due to the low content of alkaline solution, it can destroy tooth enamel.

Soda for teeth

There are other types of soda, all the emphasis in which is on a higher concentration of alkaline solution.

General factors during the procedure

Baking soda is an excellent tool forclean your teeth from unpleasant plaque and eliminate odor from the mouth. It is worth noting that rinsing with this solution is excellent for eliminating bacteria in toddlers and adults. So can I brush my teeth with soda?

Cleaning on an ongoing basis can lead tonegative consequences. On the one hand, it exacerbates the quality of tooth enamel. After all, a high concentration of baking soda can adversely affect the gums, irritating them and causing them to bleed. On the other hand, there are positive aspects of such a procedure. Full cleaning in hard-to-reach places, moistening and cleansing the gums, in some cases - accelerating the healing of minor wounds. In addition, after the first application, the bleaching effect is visible.

Brush your teeth with soda

Available Cleaner

Can I brush my teeth with soda? A huge advantage of this tool is accessibility. The relatively low price allows baking soda to be used instead of toothpaste for everyone. With it, lightening tooth enamel will be inexpensive and will not have to use medical or cosmetic services. But to save teeth from caries or cracks of tooth enamel soda does not help, but rather aggravate the situation.

The benefits of the application

This product has been used for the manufacture of medicines, in cosmetology and for home cooking for over 100 years. It has many useful properties. Let's take a look at them:

Baking soda for teeth
  1. Disinfection of the oral cavity. Because of the alkaline reaction, baking soda easily destroys harmful microorganisms and inhibits inflammatory processes in the mouth.
  2. Crystal cell. The structure of the powder is represented by small crystals, which, due to their non-traditional form, well clean the tooth enamel and tongue, penetrating into the inaccessible places for the ordinary brush.
  3. Why is it worth brushing your teeth with soda? In the reviews, women write that this tool has an antiseptic effect, it helps to eliminate allergic reactions.
  4. With the help of soda you can eliminate bad breath.

Harm from use

Is it harmful to brush your teeth with soda? Experts still can not give a definite answer to this question. Now consider the negative impact of the procedure:

Is it harmful to brush your teeth with soda?
  1. Continuous, daily cleaning of teeth with the helpsoda may be accompanied by partial or complete destruction of the tooth enamel. As a result, caries may develop, sensitivity to hot and cold dishes will increase.
  2. Due to slower tissue regeneration, the healing of large wounds will be very long and painful.
  3. The whitening effect lasts for several days. Therefore, in 2-3 days you will have to resort to the procedure again.
How many times can you brush your teeth with soda

Using soda, you can remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas. But she cannot remove dark plaque or tartar. To do this, you will have to go to special medical institutions.

In the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, the use of soda is strictly contraindicated. Also, do not use this product when brushing your teeth during pregnancy and up to 3 years old baby.

Some impurities in baking soda can act on the thin mucous membrane negatively, causing irritation and unpleasant itching in the mouth. Soon the gums may start to bleed.

How to clean soda and reduce negative effects?

How many times can you brush your teeth with soda? Dentists recommend cleaning the teeth with soda no more than 1 time per week so as not to harm the dental cavity. The procedure should be as follows:

Baking soda
  1. Do not brush your teeth with just one soda. Better stir it with a more benign solution or substance.
  2. After the procedure, the oral cavity should be washed with plenty of water.
  3. If you brush your teeth with soda (concentrated) every day, you can achieve complete thinning of the enamel and irritation of the gums. Therefore, alternate the procedure with toothpaste.
  4. Use a toothpaste containing some components of soda instead of food. Try to strengthen the tooth enamel with fluoride, calcium.
  5. If, after cleaning, a person has an unpleasant pain and burning sensation when eating any food, then cleaning with soda should be stopped forever.
  6. Be sure to avoid very cold or hot foods for 1 hour after brushing your teeth.
  7. Use a soft and delicate bristled toothbrush. When cleaning, it is advisable to perform smooth and gentle movements in order not to scratch the gum.

How to clean soda? Application Methods

There are several methods for cleaning teeth with soda:

Can I brush my teeth with soda every day
  1. Purification with soda in powdered form. Cleaning is done with a cotton pad or a stick moistened with water. They need to apply soda and walk on the tooth surface. A huge disadvantage of this method is the increased effect on the enamel, which can lead to its destruction. Gums may become inflamed and bleed. Dentists do not recommend this method. It is contraindicated in children and elderly people.
  2. Concentrated soda solution. In a teaspoon you need to add 1/3 teaspoon of soda. After stirring until completely dissolved. The resulting solution must be impregnated with a cotton pad or cotton swab and applied to the tooth surface. This method is less negative impact on the outer shell of the tooth, does not irritate the gums and tongue.
  3. Pasta with baking soda. Toothpaste should be mixed with 1/3 teaspoon of soda and clean the teeth in the usual manner. It is best to use a paste with natural ingredients, minerals, fluorine or calcium. So you can reduce the risk of thinning tooth enamel or caries.
  4. A solution of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. To enhance the whitening properties of soda, you need to add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to it. The resulting thick solution must be applied with a cotton swab or a napkin on the surface of the tooth. After 1-2 minutes, rinse the mouth with water.
  5. A solution of baking soda and lemon juice. To the solution you need to add a few drops of lemon juice. Mouth should be rinsed with the mixture. The main thing - do not abuse this way. Otherwise it is possible to achieve the thinning of enamel.
  6. Can I brush my teeth with soda and strawberries? The response of the dentists will be positive. 2-3 berries must be crushed and mixed with a solution of baking soda. Then, using a cotton swab or disc, apply the mixture on the tooth surface and rinse with water in 30-60 seconds. If you use a brush, it is desirable that it has a soft bristle.
  7. Another great remedy is the blend.baking soda with salt. The solution must be mixed either in equal amounts or so that the first component is 2 times the first. Salt can be applied directly to baking soda or added to the solution. Teeth can be rinsed or cleaned with a soft bristled toothbrush. This method of teeth whitening is very popular in China and India due to its healing properties. In a mixture for a pleasant smell, you can add a few drops of any essential oil or lemon juice.
If you brush your teeth with soda every day

Contraindications to the procedure

Purify your mouth with concentrated sodaIt is forbidden to children under 10 years old and elderly people, as well as pregnant women. Rinse with diluted soda solution or a mixture solution with other components is allowed. So is it possible to brush your teeth with soda or not? It is up to you. But you should consult with a specialist in advance and apply the solution no more than 1 time per week. There is a high likelihood of side effects if used improperly.

A small conclusion

Now you know if you can brush your teeth with soda. The benefits and harms of this procedure are two important topics that we discussed in detail in the article. Cleaning teeth with soda can not only whiten tooth enamel, but completely destroy it. Dentists advise to make a solution with citric acid no more than 1 time per week.