Censorship - what is it, what are they eating with, why is it used?


So, censorship. What is special about this word? Someone does not even have such questions. This phenomenon simply represents something that does not allow the world to see what certain people do not want to advertise. So it was before, when each book passed the strictest control, and any slightly ambiguous phrase could cost its author of life or freedom.

censorship what is

Now censorship (what is and what is itthis is a phenomenon, we sorted it out a little, and its essence, in principle, changed little over time) covers not only the printed sphere, but also television, radio, games and the Internet - the most extensive source of information. Only in the latter case, absolutely all the materials subjected to censorship are very, very difficult. Therefore, all interesting and scandalous news are on the World Wide Web.

In general, as various dictionaries suggest,censorship is the control by the official authorities of the contents of various printed products, video and radio broadcasts, stage productions and even private correspondence. This is done in order to prevent the infiltration of unwanted information, according to these authorities.

Censorship (what is this, in principle, me, andthe dictionary is described approximately equally) can be preliminary and the subsequent. The first is designed to allow or prohibit the release of something, but the second (also called punitive) can prohibit the material already released if it violates certain established requirements. However, at present, many countries (at least, the official authorities say so) are fighting for freedom of information, and therefore in most constitutions censorship is prohibited. But censorship can be permitted in any country. What can this contribute to? Declaration of an emergency or martial law.

how to remove censorship
As for the question of how to remove censorship,it is rather difficult to answer it, and sometimes it is completely impossible. For example, you can remove censorship from printed publications, but only after agreeing with the "right people" (obviously illegally). As for the video, you will not be able to do much here either.
censorship is prohibited
Perhaps there are such amazing and powerfulprograms that can do this, or genius programmers who will cope with such a task, but this we do not know. Nothing is impossible, as they say. It is possible that this problem has a solution.

Easily remove censorship, for example, in theany game, it will be possible, if the developers themselves want to create this loophole. Whatever it was, you need to look for information on this for each specific game. Censorship in such cases usually nothing secret forbids. Now generally the majority of censorship forces are thrown on to hide only indecent places of any characters participating in the game, present in the video or located on the images. The glory of the enemy of freedom of speech and the concealer of secrets of censorship with time begins to lose. But still its true purpose is still relevant in the dissemination of information.