Why do I need a cadastral passport?


To begin with, it is worth investigating what this document represents, and in what cases it is necessary.

Each construction object must havea cadastral passport, through which the registration process takes place in the state register. Without its presence it is impossible to make a purchase-sale, donation or registration of the inheritance.

The cadastral passport is a complete listthe main characteristics of the state register for the capital construction object. To receive it, it is required to be on the state cadastral register and have

cadastral passport
own cadastral number.

Usually the cadastral passport consists of three parts.

Explication. A detailed explanatory note toArchitect project, floor plan of this object. And also cadastral number, information about the owner, land category and its purpose, cadastral value, address and other data.

Plan. Schematic location of the object on the site plan. If this room, then the floor plan includes the discovery of window and door apertures, partitions, walls, jumpers.

Extract from the technical passport. Data of the established restrictions of this site, premises. In other words, there is a water protection zone or various communications laid.

cadastral passport of the land plot
For registration this package of documents is required:

  • passport of the applicant;
  • statement;
  • technical documents for the plot, apartment;
  • certificate of ownership;
  • a conciliatory statement from the neighbors.

How to get a cadastral passport for an apartment?

The primary process for obtaining such a documentlong enough. To do this, you need to call the technician on the object. The specialist will inspect, draw up a technical plan and assign a date of receipt. If there were any inconsistent re-planning in the room, you will have to pay a fine and only then will the process of preparing the documentation begin.

how to get a cadastral passport
How to get a cadastral passport of a land plot?

First of all, the specialist performs the measurement of the site, the determination of boundaries and surveying. A topographic map of the terrain is made.

If the boundaries were not previously defined, it would be necessary for neighbors to agree on their approval. The receipt is written with the personal signature of each neighbor.

Based on the data of the land organizationissued technical documentation for the site. In case of discrepancy of the data on the size of the plot, you will have to write an explanatory note about the origin of excess space.

With this technical package,apply to the registration center of the land, cadastre, as well as cartography. The plot is put on a single state record and is assigned a cadastral number, after which a passport is issued. It will need to be registered to obtain a certificate of ownership of the land.

In the case of the sale of this land, if it has already built various facilities, it will be necessary to formalize also technical documentation and a cadastral passport.