The best motivation for sports for girls and women

Self improvement

Let's say one of your girlfriends goes to the gymhall, the second - in the pool, the third professionally engaged in oriental dances. And you like to spend your evenings sitting by the TV with delicious food. The result is obvious: they undress without fear on the beach, showing off a beautiful body, and you have to hide behind the swimsuit and pareo, while saying to yourself: "I'll start training on Monday!" But this does not happen, because there is no motivation for the sport. It is very important for girls to be able to correctly prioritize and encourage themselves to act.

motivation for sports for girls

Fighting the unwillingness to train and finding motivation for sports

The main enemy in any business is laziness. It is she who stands on the way to a slender body. You can buy a subscription to the gym or the pool, go to a few classes and throw. To prevent this from happening, you must always give 100 percent of the time and not give yourself any indulgence. Having regretted yourself once, you will begin to engage in permanent activities not in full force. And then you can stop altogether.

Motivation for sports for girls comes gradually. It is based on three main factors:

  • Moderate workload on the first training days and gradual increase in the future.
  • Getting pleasure from the lessons.
  • Commitment to the main goal.

The first paragraph is broken by very many newcomers. Deciding to lose weight, they rush into the pool with their heads: they do exercises with the maximum number of approaches and repetitions. As a result, the next day the body hurts so that it is impossible to do it. Even just walking does not work. As a result, the motivation for sport disappears. For girls it is important to start training gradually, each time increasing the number of approaches and repetitions or the size of the distances. Then the body will respond flexibly to the load.

Sport for pleasure

To perform the second item, you need to selectThe physical load that you really like. To do this, you can take a sports psychological test or simply rely on your own feelings. It can be a swimming pool, various types of dancing, cycling, running. Remember, getting pleasure from classes is the most powerful motivation for sports for girls.

motivation for sporting a girl

When it seems that there is no more power to moveFurther, and the exercises do not bring any result, we should remember what was the main goal. This will help not to drop your hands and do not abandon the sport. The best motivation for girls is preparation for the beach season, wedding, birthday and other important events. It is this main goal that will help in difficult moments not to go astray.

Rules of good training

They are simple. We bring to your attention the basic rules, observing which, you will be able to make your sports activities as productive as possible:

  • Put feasible tasks. With each activity, try to train a little more and better than last time. This approach will create excitement and desire to compete with yourself.
  • Do not take a break between training more than twodays. During this time, the muscles relax too much, so there will not be a proper effect. Fighting laziness is also much easier when the body gets used to the exercises every other day.
  • Train at the same time. The body will get used after a while and will require physical activity. And you will be ashamed to give it up.
  • Do exercises for your favorite music. This is a great motivation for sports. A girl for this can create a special playlist of songs that make you move. And the desire to do it will come.

Interest in sports should not fade. It is necessary that each training is different from the other. Repetition of the same exercises very quickly bored, so it is desirable to make a plan for various activities for at least a week. Then to follow the intended goal will be much easier.

motivation for sports for girls

How to overcome the fear of starting classes

There are people who believe that the main thing in thisto start. But it is the first step that causes difficulties. Then the following motivation for sports comes to the rescue. For girls, it will be effective to hang posters in the bedroom with models, the figures of which, in their opinion, are ideal. A beautiful body is always a great work. Exceptions can not be here. Therefore, these photos will motivate you to do the exercises and approach your ideal, and not sit at the TV screen.

Hang pictures can also be on the refrigerator,to protect yourself from night meals. After all, on the way to a sculpted figure, not only is the motivation for doing sports important - the girl should also eat right. It is necessary to monitor what gets to you on the table. And you will see how your waist will begin to change.

sport is the best motivation for girls

And in order to accurately not abandon the goal, tell about it to friends or relatives. And then you will be ashamed to stop halfway. Beautiful and athletic body to you!