Constitutional law as a science. Relationship with other legal sectors. Importance for the Russian legal system.


Constitutional law as a science is enormoussignificance for the Russian jurisprudence as a whole. First, dear reader, this branch of law is a priority, since it is the Constitution that constitutes the normative basis for the development of other legal directions. Secondly, the highest legal force is not empty words, it is necessary to have excellent legislative machinery in order for the law of scale value to really work in society. Thirdly, the constitutional law in the system of legal sciences takes the first place, since it is mainly aimed at protecting citizens of the state.

Robe of Science

There are several areas where constitutional law can exist: as a science and a discipline, and also as a legal branch.

constitutional law as a science

In the first case, science is a collectionqualitatively new knowledge, on the basis of which legal scientists analyze the existing norms, introduce new proposals, improve the legislative technique. The first priority of constitutional science is that this area is the "engine" of the Constitution and all social relations that govern this normative legal act.

All research, dissertations, staginglegal issues are subsequently translated into reality and used by the legislator. Of course, such a breakdown is possible provided that a qualitative research is carried out by legal scholars.

constitutional law as a science and academic discipline

Leading branch

Constitutional law as a science is inseparableis connected with the constitutional norms. This branch of law is a firm basis for the development of other special regulatory industries, for example, criminal, civil, tax, family law and so on.

The Russian Constitution regulates and protectsthe basic rights of citizens in almost every area, and federal laws and by-laws directly proclaim the procedure for their implementation, responsibility for violation of norms and so on. Dear reader, pay attention to the fact that the Russian Constitution provides for liability solely for state bodies, but in no case for citizens. Constitutional law as a science improves the industry, which, in turn, protects the legal status of anyone in real time.

constitutional law in the legal system

Educational process

It is impossible to ignore the provisionsconstitutional law, considered as a discipline. The essence of this direction is to convey to the trainee the fundamental provisions of this branch of law. As a rule, constitutional law as a science and academic discipline are closely interrelated. If the trainee has a special passion for the theoretical knowledge offered by the textbook, it is likely that he will begin research in this area, and in the future constitutional law as a science will become firmly established in the mind of a legal scientist.

constitutional law of russia as a science

The aims of science

The Constitution of the State exists for more than 20 years.years and, it would seem, what other improvements can be made in this legal act? However, this industry needs numerous improvements, as the country's main law represents the ideal standards of behavior to which a legal society should strive.

Proceeding from this, constitutional law as a science and academic discipline follows the following goals:

  1. Creation and further analysis of developmentconstitutional legal relations. Everyone knows that the society of any state does not stand still. Therefore, the legislator should envisage possible changes that will become vital in the future.
  2. Another, more extensive goal, is cognitionnew trends in the sphere of constitutional legislation. So, using foreign experience, the legislator can introduce it through the creation of legal norms and, for example, provide additional guarantees for citizens or ensure their social protection.
  3. Create new offers that will helpimprove the legislation. If the two above-mentioned goals have blurred boundaries, the introduction of new proposals into the development of the law sector presupposes concrete actions. It should be taken into account that it is impossible to introduce qualitative transformations without accurate forecasting and careful analysis.
    place of constitutional law in the system of legal sciences

Subject of science

The constitutional law of Russia as a science possessesThe subject to be studied. In this case, this includes legal institutions, namely, the legal status of citizens, government bodies, various policies, as well as other areas of government activity.

Further, each institution is specified inseparate norms, which are enshrined in the Constitution. Each separate norm is realized in certain social relations, and if such is not observed, then the norm is considered "dead", therefore, its value for constitutional law is reduced to zero.

Importance for society and other industries

The place of the constitutional law in the system of legal sciences can not be overestimated, since this is exactly the sector without which the existence of legislation as a whole is impossible.

A vivid example is the relationshipconstitutional, criminal, criminal procedural and criminally-executive rights. For example, no person can be considered guilty until the verdict of the court has not entered into legal force. At the same time, restriction of the freedom of movement of a person is possible only on the condition of a judicial decision. These norms are constitutional and their absence would lead to arbitrariness on the part of the bodies conducting criminal prosecution.