Problem training of preschool children using folk tales


Folk tales do not contain a ready-madeknowledge, do not give the child direct instruction on how to become smart or rich, but contain situations that the character has to deal with, and the preschool child - to draw conclusions on his own, find a lesson that will come in handy in life. Teaching preschool children is conducted in specially organized classes, where the educator integrates several tasks: teaches children to think, make decisions, make choices, perform actions. Problem training with the use of folk tales includes not only the analysis of the work, but also finding analogies with real life, finding a solution, how to act in a concrete life situation.

Training then becomes problematic whenthe educator does not give ready-made knowledge, but invites the children themselves to answer the question posed by reliance on existing experience or carrying out experimental activities. Problem training begins with a research method that includes active cognitive activity of children in finding and assimilating knowledge.

Forms of exposing the problem material:

1) The problematic question is not a simple actreproduction of knowledge from memory, but a multistage process of mental search, the statement of conjectures, hypotheses. In preschool institutions children based on the fairy tale plot look for an answer to the problematic issue collectively, discussing and analyzing the known material with the guiding role of the educator. The questions can be: "Why did the beasts do not let the bear into the house?", "Why did Kolobok leave the house and roll along the path to the forest?", "Baba Yaga good or evil?".

2) The problematic task is to find an exit froma controversial situation where there is a contradiction or conflict in finding the right solution. In every fairy tale there is a problem situation. Children together with the tutor can discuss how the character acted, how it would be possible to act. Problem training suggests that there can be several solutions, which makes it possible to reflect, analyze not only the fairy-tale situation, but also a similar one from the life experiences of children. Ivanushka drank the water from the hoof and turned into a goat. And what happens when children or adults drink dirty water or pick up dirty food from the floor, take it in their mouths or treat their friends? Conversation can be aimed at preserving health, creating safe behavior of children, but it is important that they make their own conclusions about how to behave in similar situations.

3) The problem situation is the solution of the problem whenlack of knowledge. In this case, to find the right solution, you need to conduct experience, experiment. Problem training at this stage becomes complex: to resolve the situation, a problem or problem can be posed. On the question of how to help Ivan carry away the water in the sieve, the teacher can offer to conduct experiments with the transformation of water into steam, ice. Children freeze water or look at the ice on the street, suggest that if the liquid turns into ice, it can be transported in any container.

4) Problem employment is a game or educationalExercise, which includes several forms of problematic presentation of the material. It can begin with a problematic issue, children can solve problems, conduct a search job, argue, play a dramatization with an alleged exit from the situation.

Starting with a fairy tale, problem training inprimary school can be represented in classes on literacy or math, to familiarize with the outside world. Children who have learned to find knowledge on their own, are happy to participate in finding answers to questions, are able to put such questions before themselves when doing homework.

Problem training is a way of activatingchildren's thinking, development of analytical abilities of a person. Having learned to find a way out of a difficult situation on the basis of fairy-tale history, a child and in life can be more optimistic about situations that seemingly have no solution.