"Vlas": brief summary

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In Russian literature there is often an imagerepentant sinner. A similar hero is also present in the work written in 1855 by Nikolai Nekrasov. "Vlas" - a poem about a man who wanders around Russian cities and collects money for the temple. This work combines features of two genres - epic and lyrics, which in the literature is infrequent.

nectarless vlas

What are the features of the work that I wroteNA Nekrasov? "Vlas", a brief summary of which can be read in this article, has a folklore plot. The hero is a gray-haired old man, behind whom is a rich past. He passes through the city and causes curiosity of passers-by.

The character that Nekrasov created - Vlas. The summary of the poem can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Gray-haired old man.
  2. Sinner.
  3. Repentance.

What is the story in the first stanzas of Nekrasov?

Vlas is a gray-haired old man

It is depicted by the author in the classical imagethe blessed one. Vlas is all in chains, on his cheek there is a deep scar. Slowly passing through the city, he asks passers-by for alms to the temple. But who is he? Who was this gray-haired old man before? And here about the past of his hero begins to tell Nekrasov. Vlas, it turns out, was a man far from righteous in his youth.

Nekrasov Vlas Brief Description


Beginning with the third stanza, the author presentsbiography of his hero. Vlas once had a wife, but beat her mercilessly, and then at all in the coffin drove. He was engaged in robbery and was an accomplice of horse thieves. There was no God in the soul of Vlas. He could buy all the bread from poor neighbors, and not give them a penny in the black year.

He did not care who was in front of him-his own ora stranger. Vlas robbed both the wretched and the rich, and his and others'. In the district he was called a Koshchei for guile and covetousness. But one day the sinner had to answer for all his atrocities. Thunder rumbled.

The mercenary was sick, but there was no one there,who could help him. In the district everyone remembered how he once took the latter from beggars and hard workers. With each passing day, Vlas became worse. In the agony of a whole year.

Suffering from a serious illness, Vlas was scaredbuild a church if you avoid death. And then terrible visions began. In a dream, witches, demons and even Ethiopians with black eyes, like coal, began to appear to him. Vlas imagined snakes, crocodiles, scorpions, who bit and tore it apart. Every day he saw all sorts of terrible monsters. And finally, Vlas was brought to the point of giving his last vow. And the Lord heeded his pleas. Vlas survived.

And again the poet Nekrasov is returning his character. Vlas in the last stanzas is depicted as a righteous old man.

n acres vlas short summary


After recovering the hero of the poem Nekrasovdid not forget his oath. He gave away all the property and remained absolutely impoverished. And then he went to collect alms for the construction of a new church. It's not that he did not have enough of the good to keep his vow. The author thus shows that it is not enough to give up material wealth. Vlas, in order to atone for sins, should have lived his whole life in humility.

In the last lines, the author describes moredetail the image and lifestyle of the hero. Vlas is dark and tall. He has been traveling for more than thirty years. For his life he has overcome considerable distances. The traveler was in Moscow, and near the Caspian Sea. With him always an image and a book. And the former sinner often talks to you. Vlas Nekrasov reminds a holy fool, whose image is so often found in Russian folklore and literature.