Aesthetic pleasure for man

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Assess the importance of aesthetic satisfactionit is rather difficult, because beauty and its role in each person's life are their own. However, in the first place, it is worthwhile to understand what an aesthetic is. The definition that is given in the dictionary of foreign languages ​​(in the notion that relates specifically to sensory perception) is the following. It is a philosophical discipline that studies expressive forms that correspond to a person's idea of ​​the beautiful and ugly, the sublime and the low. Artistic creativity is perceived under the prism of aesthetics, as one of the forms of ideology.

Aesthetic pleasure
In 1790 the great Kant issued a treatise,which is devoted to aesthetics and theology. Recognizing the theoretical and practical reason in a person, Kant gives him another third property - the reflective ability of judgment, which is manifested in the judgment of taste and aesthetics. According to Kant, aesthetic pleasure is a pleasure from the presentation of an object, even if it is really missing. In this regard, the pleasant impression that a really present object brings, may not cause us aesthetic feelings. And indeed it is. Perceive the pleasant animals are capable, and only people can experience aesthetic pleasure.

aesthetic sense
Aesthetic understanding of the environmentreality is a very complex process. After all, individuals need to activate the reserves of sensory perception, learn to give an emotionally colored assessment, call for resources of creative knowledge and transformation, which we, alas, are not rich.

Aesthetic perception

Aesthetic pleasure a person can receive by direct sensory contact with an object or phenomenon through the senses. In the perception, first of all, vision and hearing help us.

Perceiving real properties of phenomena orobjects, a person gives birth to certain emotions, which can be very much. Among them are distinguished (inferior) biological and (higher) spiritual. There is no doubt that the lowest emotions a person is endowed with from birth, they are transmitted in hereditary form and are also characteristic of higher animals. However, only people can experience spiritual emotions. They arise in the process of its formation and development as a person, and they are joined by the experience of previous generations. The manifestation of spiritual emotions is impossible without the communication of a person with his own kind, without his acquaintance with cultural values.

Being for a long time inany emotional state, a person experiences an aesthetic experience. Then it degenerates into an aesthetic impression, which as a result forms aesthetic feelings.

However, such experiences, which are a manifestation of higher

aesthetic definition
emotions, yet inextricably linked withbiological. After all, if a person experiences fear, hunger or pain, it is unlikely that the sounds of elegant music will give him aesthetic pleasure. Enjoying the pictures of I.K. Aivazovsky, or listening to the sound of the surf, we are genuinely admired by the indomitable force of the sea waves. But being in the open sea in a storm, a person will no longer admire the sea element.

Aesthetic mood is a special mental state, inherent in man. It expresses itself in the readiness to satisfy aesthetic needs, while such experiences are unselfish.