Children of stars carry unusual names

News and Society

Each full-fledged family always dreams ofchild, and some and about two. Of course, after the appearance of the baby in every family everything changes a lot, besides happiness there are new worries and problems. Long before the advent of the baby in each family, the selection of a name begins, there are a lot of names, but each family wants the name to be chosen suitable and promising. And people who have a certain reputation, want to distinguish doubly. And so the children of the stars often wear very rare, and sometimes strange names. Thanks to the popularity of their parents, these children also become popular and appear on TV screens.

children of stars

Children of the Stars of Russia

The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova for a long timechose a name for her daughter, she went through a lot of books with the meaning of the names, so that everything would correspond to her baby. But she wanted the chosen option to be unusual and at the same time beautiful. Calling the child Ariadna, she explained this by being in the temple, she was interested in the icon of a saint with that name, and for her it was familiar.

The children of the stars do not cease to amaze the world with theirnames. So, for example Natalia Gromushkina not so long ago gave birth to her beautiful daughter, who received the name of Ilian. Every name has a certain influence on a person. This name is translated from Greek as "sunny". For children with this name is characterized by calm and independence, they quickly adapt in any society. And the son of this actress is also very rare name Gordey.

children of the stars of Russia

In honor of close relatives

There are children of stars, whose names are taken from grandmothersand grandfathers. For example, Tutta Larsen gave the name to the son of Luke, in honor of his grandfather, as well as the saint. She also claims that it was quite difficult to find a name for the child under his rather difficult middle name.

Stars, like ordinary people, can experienceproblems with the appearance of the child. For example, Pevtsov and Drozdov spent a long time in the state of waiting for their first-born, and after carefully choosing a name. Since the baby in Olga's stomach behaved quite quietly, it occurred to them to give the name to the child Tikhon, but still the preference was always given to the saint - Elisha.

Interesting in all its unusual characterDzhigurda and his companion living figure skater Marina, surprised everyone with the name of her son. As you know, the baby appeared on the seventh of January, which contributed to the choice of the name - Mick-Angel Christie.

Hollywood stars and their children

Children of Hollywood stars are no exception andthey also have very rare and sometimes non-standard names. Everyone was surprised by the famous Vin Diesel. After the death of his friend and filmmate Paul Walker, his third daughter began to bear a name in his honor. Pauline - many believe that this is a fairly rare name.

Many stars hide from reporters for a long time.inform the names of their children, after waiting a certain period of time. For example, everybody's favorite singer Shakira, after the birth of her second son, did not tell anyone his name for a long time.

children of hollywood stars

The Royal Family

The royal family is no exception and alsoseeks to choose the name of your child interesting and mysterious. Prince William and his wife long thought about what to call their daughter, but they tried to choose simple names, opted for Diana, in honor of the famous grandmother of the baby. But there were opponents of such a name in this family, but Kate insisted on the mother of the child. Her explanations were that Princess Diana was a very kind and fair person.

Children of the stars always arouse interest in theirpersonality. Even before being born, they are becoming popular. Therefore, rarely does a name go without active discussion and criticism. But these people are accustomed to such a life, and rarely attach great importance to harsh statements.