Prince of Madness Sheogorath. "Oblivion": quest and story of the character


"Oblivion", like all the games of the series, pleasesfans with interesting tasks that turn the process of studying virtual reality into an exciting enterprise. Not the last role in the universe is played by the Daedra Princes - mystical creatures similar to the Gods. Each of them has specific abilities, which they constantly apply, affecting the daily life of the inhabitants of the province. Among the other princes, there is one most popular among fans of the game "Oblivion" - Sheogorat. Passage of the task associated with it, causes difficulties for some gamers.

shehogorate obliquion

What is this character?

Sheogorath - Daedric Prince of Madness, understandthe nature of the action of which has not yet been achieved by anyone. In Oblivion, his kingdom is called the Crazy House, and at the same time it carries the second name - the Shelter of the Imperial Census of the Daedra Princes, or in another way Shivering Isles. Territories under his control are divided into two halves: the fantastic and beautiful edge of Mania and the abhorrent swamp of the Intervention. Sheogorath is included in a small number of Daedric princes, whose vital functions can affect the life of Aedra.

Quest Shegoratha Oblivion

The story of the character is fully disclosed"Trembling Islands" - a fashion for "Oblivion." Sheogorath is represented there as Jiggalag - Prince of Order. He says that he grew up getting used to ruling, and so he gave himself up to this process that the other Daedra princes were not just jealous, but also feared his growing abilities. Then they cursed the Jiggalag, forcing to exist in the embodiment of Sheogorath, which he genuinely hated. With the approach of the end of each era, the Prince is allowed to return to his former appearance and to reclaim his lands, this event was called the Gray March. However, immediately afterwards the Jiggalag again becomes Sheogorath and again plunges the territory into chaos. The player is encouraged to stop this cycle by defeating the Prince of Order during the Gray March. Thus, Jiggalag is freed from the curse and remains in true shape, and the protagonist takes the place of Sheogorath.

Quest of Sheogorath

"Oblivion" and without additions offers the playerto meet the Prince of Madness. To start it, the gamer needs to reach the second level. Then go to the sanctuary of Sheogorath. "Oblivion" is a large territory, and it is not easy for some to find it. The sanctuary is located in the southern half of Cyrodiil, in the middle, between Leahvin and Brawil. Turning for advice to the main follower of Sheogorath, Ferun, the hero learns that the proper offering consists of lettuce, yarn and a small stone shower. The first and last ingredients can easily be purchased in any city, these things are worth a penny. Yarn is recommended to look for sacks and boxes located in poor areas of the capital.

Oblivion Sheghorath Passage

Border checkpoint

The protagonist will be asked to perform the ancientprophecy, in which the people of the Border Guard faithfully believe. As soon as he reaches his destination, he needs to find a local shaman and talk to him about the assignment that Sheogorath entrusted. "Oblivion" is not dazzling with learned people, so kajit is very surprised at the knowledge of the hero and will try to find out whether he studied at the academy. To continue the quest, you need to give the wrong answer. After this, Ri'Bassa tells that the first two prerequisites for the fulfillment of the prophecy are the invasion of rats and the death of cattle. From the hero is required to contribute to their appearance. If you talk with the Khajiit again, he will provide additional information, advise you to spend the night in a local tavern and look at the collection of cheeses that the hostess gathered there. After visiting the institution, the hero needs to talk with the woman. She will gladly tell about the most outstanding cheese she has - olroy.

The first sign: the invasion of rats

It's not very easy to call a character likeSheogorath. "Oblivion" will force the player to think with his head before he can achieve his goal. Listening to the words of the shaman and boasting of the hostess, you can understand that the next goal will be the abduction of "sweet" cheese. He smells disgusting. Next, you need to put the prey in a bowler hanging over a fire near the tavern. After that, the rodents will appear. The kajit-shaman will panic, he will try to get rid of the pests, throwing poison at them. It will not be a mistake if the player decides to pick it up.

mod on lobster sheogorate

The second sign: the death of livestock

Next, you need to move on to the secondbackground. In the southern part of the city a herd of sheep is grazing, it is their hero who is to be exterminated. To do this, you can choose any convenient method. You can throw picked up rat poison into the animal feeder, or go to a secluded place and shoot the sheep from the bow. If you do not exercise caution, a hero may be noticed by one of the locals and called to the guard. Sheogorat ("Oblivion") from this just does not appear.

Execution of prophecy

After all the animals die, with the heroSheogorath himself will begin the dialogue. "Oblivion" sometimes surprises players with such plot twists. Prince Daedra will praise the work of the troublemaker, and then he will send him to the center of the settlement so that he does not miss the main fun. The shaman has already started to go crazy. The main character is to see a unique spectacle - the third prerequisite for the fulfillment of the prophecy, which Prince of Insanity himself will embody.

shrine sanctuary

Sheogorat will bring rain upon the city from real burning dogs, the Khajiites will panic, frightened that the last day of the existence of their race has come, as was promised to them once.