The best fantasy. Books worthy of your attention

Arts & Entertainment

Often people get bored with everyday life. Everything is gray, boring, and there is not a drop of magic. And then the fantasy comes to the rescue. In the works of this genre very different worlds, there are other laws and regulations, there are strange creatures and people with special abilities. However, what exactly is worthy of the title of "best fantasy"? Books that can take you to another reality with an exciting storyline and a living syllable. From this article you will learn about some works that fit this description.

the best science fiction books

The best fantasy. Books worthy of your attention

Since we live in Russia, it will be logicalstart our list with domestic works. The Strugatsky picnic by the wayside is considered to be one of the best works (not only in our country, but also abroad) in the science fiction genre. The best books of the whole world can not compare with the magnificent story that takes the reader to the Zone (the place where the main character searches for artifacts), introduces us to the stalker Redrik Shuhart, tells about his life and fate.

It is important to say about another Russianscience fiction writer. Many of us watched the amazing film "Amphibian Man". But not everyone knows that he was shot on the same name by Alexander Belyaev. Book lovers, however, immensely appreciate this writer. His other book, The Head of Professor Dowell, is also quite well-known and undoubtedly worthy of your attention. In it are intertwined not only intrigues with a sci-fi fantasy, but can be traced and all sorts of thoughts and ideas that condemn human greed and ambition.

Science fiction is better than books

The following work, which became one of the symbolsworld fiction, is the "Solaris" of Stanislaw Lem. Written back in 1961, the novel has not lost its relevance, even on the contrary. For the fact that the writer was able to predict the main problem of modernity (the dominance of technological progress over the moral foundations of society), his work can be safely put on the list called "Best Fantasy." Books of this kind are not only entertaining in nature, but also teach to think, analyze.

Among the works of the genre in question, you canhighlight the work of Ray Bradbury. "Martian chronicles" and "451 degrees Fahrenheit" - that's what is worth reading to those who need the best fantasy. These books will tell you incredible stories. The first - about life on Mars (here, undoubtedly, there are allusions to our reality with you), and the second - about a society in which it is not allowed to read.

best space science fiction books

Of course, it is worth mentioning about the writer HerbertWells. His novels The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine and The Invisible Man are undoubtedly the best fantasy. Books tell us, for example, that in addition to our reality, there are others, that one can, it turns out, travel through epochs or, better still, dissolve in the air!

At the source of the genre was the well-known HowardPhillips Lovecraft. His works "Ridges of madness" and "Call of Cthulhu" can be placed with confidence in the first place in a slightly different list - "The best space fiction". Books of this genre, of course, are very popular these days, but in the 20-30s of the last century they turned the minds of people around the world.

Now you know about what works are worth reading if you want to move to other worlds.