Fight Mtsyri with a leopard: an analysis of the episode

Arts & Entertainment

Fighting Mtsyri with a leopard is the key episode in the poem,in addition, he is most known and studied. The scene was repeatedly illustrated by artists. It is worth recalling the works of N. Dubovsky, O. Pasternak, as well as engravings that were performed by F. Konstantinov.

"Mtsyri": fight with a leopard - analysis

mtsyri battle with leopard
For literary critics and critics who studied thispoem, the analysis of this episode is of great importance. Fighting Mtsyri with a leopard reveals the main character traits of the character, so he is the key to understanding the work. In a small poem, the episode we are interested in occupies four stanzas - from 16 to 19. By allocating as much space for it, and also placing the stage in the middle of the work, Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov emphasizes the compositional significance of the episode.

First, the leopard is described in detail. It is also important to note that the character of the beast is given by the hero without dislike and fear, on the contrary, the young man Mtsyri is fascinated by the power and beauty of the predator. The author uses many comparisons, says that the eyes of the leopard glow like lights, the wool is cast in silver. In a dark forest under the moonlight, it resembles an animated fairy tale, one of the oldest legends, possibly told to a child once by his sisters and mother.


Considering the fight between Mtsyri and the leopard,note that the predator, like the protagonist, enjoys the night, he plays cheerfully. All the definitions relating to the beast in the poem describe him as the child he is, because we are a child of nature. Bars symbolizes the power of the earth, for which both the animal and man are equally necessary elements.


mtsyri battle with leopard analysis
Both participants in the battle are equally beautiful, worthylife and free. For Mtsyri, the battle with the leopard is a test of his strength, which is not properly used in the monastery. The hero's "hand of fate" led in a different way. He used to consider himself weak, fit only for fasting and prayer. However, after the victory over the predator, he proudly opens up new opportunities. Thanks to the multitude of verbs indicating a quick change of action, which the author uses, one can imagine Mtsyri's incredibly fascinating battle with a leopard: it is eventful and dynamic.

The mood is most accurately conveyed by the words: "Jerked," "had time," "rushed". Throughout the scene, the anxiety for the protagonist is not quenched. However, Mtsyri wins, overcoming not the leopard, but the forces of fate and nature, hostile to the young man. No matter how dark the forest, the hero will not abandon his desire to return to his homeland.