Maxim Tank: a brief overview of life and creativity

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Maxim Tank is one of the most famousBelarusian poets. His work was important for the development of Belarusian literature, not only in the artistic but also in the national sense: after all, he did a lot to popularize the Belarusian language, translated books to it, and did everything for its development.

early years

Maxim Tank, whose biography isthe subject of this review, was born in the Minsk region in 1912. His real name is Evgeni Skurko. He came from a simple, but not poor peasant family. After the outbreak of World War I, he and his family went to Moscow, but after a while returned to his native village. He studied at two schools: Polish and Russian, became a member of the Komsomol, but was soon expelled from the gymnasium for freethinking and disobedience. After this, Maxim Tank entered the Vilnius Russian Gymnasium, where he first tried his hand at literary work. He published his own handwritten literary magazine, in which he placed his first poems.

maxim tank

The beginning of a literary career

In the 1930s, the poet actively wrote newworks under a pseudonym. It was by this time that he became famous throughout the country. However, due to the fact that he lived in Western Belorussia, which was then part of Poland, Maxim Tank was persecuted because of the propaganda of the Belarusian language and the publication of the magazine in this language. Nevertheless, he continued to actively publish in Belarusian publications and to keep a column in Belarusian in a Polish newspaper.

maxim tank Belarusian poet

In the decade he created, and largeworks, poems, for example, "Narach", "Kalosse". His works immediately became a notable phenomenon in the literary life of the country, the young author immediately drew attention, and he began to be perceived as one of the most promising poets. After the unification of Belarus, he was under suspicion of the Soviet authorities, despite the fact that he was considered a Communist. Several times the threat of arrest hung over him, but this did not stop him from continuing his active literary activity.

Military years

Maxim Tank, Belarusian poet, a significant placein his work devoted to military topics. For example, he composed the poem "Yanuk Syaliba", as well as released several collections of poems, among which you can call "Praz vegennye nebashil." The military theme occupied a prominent place in his work in the following decades, but the poet himself considered them insufficiently strong and expressive.

Features of creativity

Maxim Tank, biography, creativity, bibliographywhich is the subject of this review, received national love as the creator of fairy tales in the folklore spirit, as well as works on everyday topics. Here you can indicate his works such as "Yehau Cossack Bai", "Horse and Leu" and others. In 1970 he published a book written in the form of a diary. Critics note the following features of his language and style:

  • free possession of a poetic form;
  • he did not always adhere to classical rules and canonical requirements, but wrote in a characteristic, only to him one peculiar manner, often resorting to a white verse.

He was very sensitive to his native language andwith all his life, creativity and social activities, endeavored to affirm his eternal worth. By the way, he himself was fluent in Polish, and he also knew Russian.

maxime tank biography creativity bibliography

Editorial and public work

M. Tank was actively engaged in editorial work. Above it has been said that he began his literary activity with the release of his own manuscript magazine. In the postwar years, he edited the satirical magazine "Vozhyk", then moved to another publication, which was called "Polymya". He was a member of the Writers' Union of the country, was chairman of his board. The poet also worked in the Supreme Council, which indicates that he was finally formed as a recognized author by the post-war time. This is evidenced by the fact that he received the title of People's Poet. Maxim Tank, biography, creativity, awards and titles of which say that he deservedly enjoyed the love and respect of the readers, made a significant contribution to the development of the Belarusian language, for which he received the Stalin and Lenin awards, and also became the Hero of Socialist Labor.

maxim tank biography creativity awards and titles


About the political views of the poet are still underwaycontroversy. On the one hand, he positioned himself as a communist, but at the same time he came from a family of a wealthy peasant (they were called kulaks at that time), he was brought up in a capitalist country, for which he was constantly under suspicion of the party. Nevertheless, the folk theme is one of the leading places in his work. He was interested in, first of all, sketches of national life and the lives of ordinary people.

For example, one of his first poems "Narach"He dedicated ordinary fishermen to the strike because they were forbidden to fish under the ice. One of the earliest collections of his poems is called “At the Stages,” and then came the Pad Mast collection. Despite the fact that the main place in his work is a philosophical theme, as well as a satirical genre, he writes on a military theme. Among these works can be called such as “Kab Vedali”, “At Daroze” and others. The poet died in 1995.

maxim tank biography

Poet's literary activity followsconsider and evaluate along with the work of other famous Belarusian poets such as Y. Kupala and Y. Kolas. These authors glorified Belarusian poetry with their works. A common feature of their work is that all of them made the image of the life and life of ordinary people, as well as the problem of war, the main theme of their writings.