The Cat of Tilde. We sew ourselves


Tildomania - so we call this craze for dolls Tildami. Sew

cat tilde
such toys themselves - one of the most magicaland exciting pursuits. If you are a creative person, then one doll will not be enough for you. Tilda tightens and demands similar, but still different Tild. Each of them, be it a woman, a cat, a hare, or even a mouse, is a toy with its history, its own tale, even if you invented it and sewed it five minutes ago. Today the collection of our dolls will be replenished by the cat of Tilda. With ruddy cheeks and a mysterious look, he hurries to take his place in the world of Tild. It remains a matter of small: to choose a fabric, to transfer the details of the pattern to it, to cut and sew, turn it out and fill it with filler. That's the whole master class. Nothing difficult, even for children.

The Cat of Tilde. Master Class

To make such a cat is easy, having a pattern. In the manufacture of Tild details solve everything. It is much more important to come up with what the doll will be wearing, given each button and pocket. But let's start from the very beginning. So, the cat Tilda, whose pattern is simple (trunk, paws front, rear, muzzle with ears, tail), is waiting for his birth. We need material, thread, sintepon and a great desire to create this masterpiece. The fabric can be picked up any you like, but it's better to take a light, monophonic at first.

cat tilde pattern

Although the cat Tilda polka dot or cell looksvery effectively. With a pattern everything is simple: we paint the way we like. Paper parts are cut out and transferred to the material, leaving one cm for the firmware. Circle chalk and cut. In fact, if you want, you can come up with a pattern yourself, so it's even more convenient. All the details are stitched and twisted, now we fill the sintepon and sew in one carcass of a cat. On the muzzle we embroider a nose and eyes, we sew ears. Yes, if you like the cat Tilda-angel, you can cut out the wings, and add accessories to the accessories from the wire and a homemade bow or simply hand him the paws of a soft heart, cutting it out of the same fabric or, conversely, contrasting. Everything, our cat is ready. Now we should dress it up, add to the wardrobe of this mod.

Dressing up

cats tildes own hands

Tilda's cat is an eerie dandy. If you make him a hat-cylinder and you want a waistcoat from a suit and put a tie or butterfly on it, then rest assured that he will like it. Or dress up your tilde-kitten in a dress, and near the ears with earrings fasten the bow. Tildes are very fond of accessories: buttons, umbrellas, straps, all sorts of hats and bags and stuff. A made cats Tilda
own hands, like sausage and cheese, eventhey are knitted. They like tangles of thread and big mustache. And also they like to sleep. And they are friends with mice and dogs. These cats are terribly funny. Sew them with children - let it become your constant occupation. Replenish the collection of cute Tilde regularly. And you will love them as family members. And the world will become kinder. Each Tilda is a remembrance of a beautiful time spent, as well as the embodiment of your imagination. This is a fairy tale, invented with the child during the creation of the doll, this is her story. By the way, such a stylish doll is a perfect gift for a child and an adult. Rejoice yourself and your loved ones and do not rush to grow up!