AlfaStrahovanie - reviews and history


At the moment, AlfaStrakhovanie,reviews about which it is easy to find on the Internet, is one of the largest insurers in the country. It has a huge range of services, so that any person can find a suitable offer for him, for example, life, business, car insurance and so on. If an individual wants to protect his life and health, he can choose from a huge selection of proposals, to any purse and for all possible circumstances. The most popular insurance programs for car owners, as well as comprehensive packages of life and health insurance, including for the whole family or while traveling.

alpha insurance reviews

In 1992, for the first time, insuranceAlfaStrakhovanie. Reviews about it have since ceased to rattle in the media and the Internet, because the company's branches are available in almost every locality in Russia, and the range of its offers is almost unlimited. AlfaStrakhovanie includes Alfa Group Consortium, which also includes Alfa Bank, Vympel-Com, X5 Retail Group, TNK-BP, Megafon and other giants.

There are OJSC "AlfaStrakhovanie" and LLC"Alpha Insurance-Life": these two companies with similar names joined together, and as a result, AlfaStrakhovanie was formed. User reviews do not distinguish one of the sub-companies, because their areas of activity are different: "AlfaStrakhovanie-Life" is engaged in purely life insurance of various types. At the same time, the total authorized capital of the company is more than 2.5 billion rubles, and the number of representative offices exceeded 350.

alpha insurance reviews

If you are interested in AlphaInsurance ", the reviews will tell you more about the highest security of investments. In 2003, the company received the A ++ reliability rating, which Expert Agency gives fairly selectively, which speaks volumes. An insurer with such a rating undertakes to pay all money due to the client even in the case of economically difficult periods of its activity. The company is supported by many banks, for example, Raiffeisen-Bank, Moscommertsbank, Trust, MDM-Bank, Alfa-Bank and many others. In addition to these achievements, AlfaStrakhovanie is a member of the Antiterrorist and Russian Nuclear Insurance Pools, participates in the work of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the British Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 2008, the company was recognized as the best in the nomination "Result and success", and also awarded the international financial stability rating.

alpha insurance reviews

In case you want to useservices of the company "AlfaStrakhovanie", reviews of real people will help determine the specific packages of services. Among the companies that have entrusted themselves to AlfaStrakhovaniyu, are Aeroflot, Wimm Bill Dann, RZD, ID Kommersant, KMB-Bank and many others. In addition, the company employs people who have many regalia and certificates, and its staff regularly wins the ratings of directors of various professional fields. Quality of customer service was awarded in 2007 and 2008 in a number of nominations.