Chicken fry: a simple recipe

Food and drink

Fried chicken is excellentaddition to vegetable and cereal side dishes. This dish is prepared from chopped flesh of poultry and vegetables. Often, the toast is seasoned with tomato paste or sauces to get even a delicious gravy. Experienced cooks include a roast in the category of dishes with low complexity, because cooking requires a minimum of experience and the easiest kitchen equipment. In most recipes, many components can be replaced with similar ones, which gives a lot of scope for creativity.

roast chicken

A simple dish of everyday cuisine

If you are thinking about what to cook fromchicken fillet for the usual everyday menu, be sure to pay attention to the frying. Having spent quite a bit of time and energy, you will receive an excellent addition to cereal, mashed potatoes or macaroni dishes. Celebratory feast means something more spectacular, and for dinner with family after a hard day, roasting is an excellent option.

How to cut a chicken

what to cook with chicken fillet

It is easiest to use for this dish breastor cut off the thigh meat. Fried chicken is prepared from small pieces without bones. If you are faced with the task yourself to cut the flesh from the carcass, first cut it into portions. Cut off the wings, then the shins. On the joint, separate the femurs from the pelvic. Turn the carcass over on the back, cut 2 pieces of fillet along the bone bone. There is no sense in dividing the chicken by the spine, it's difficult and not at all necessary. You can leave the back and trim the breast with the humerus bone to make broths.

Fillet chop into pieces, from the thighs cut the meat along the bones and also cut. Try to keep all the pieces about the same size.

Delicious additions

Fried chicken will be smoother if youcomplement the tender taste of meat with vegetables. Traditionally, this dish is prepared with onions and carrots. But try adding a handful of chopped Bulgarian pepper - and the dish will play in a new way. Pepper will not only fill the juicy bits with the scents of summer, but also bring bright accents to the appearance of the dish. Excellent with chicken shallots and leeks, and parsnip, celery or ginger help to achieve unusual piquant notes. Of course, you should not add rootlets in large quantities, just a small pinch.

how to cook a roast chicken

Proportion of products

The dominant ingredient in this dish ismeat. On a pound of pulp of chicken, you will need 1 onion, 2 peppers, a small carrot. If you grate vegetables on a grater, they will give all tastes to the gravy. And cut into bars fry, remaining succulent.

Fried chicken is cooked in a smallamount of oil. Especially if you use your hips. You will need about 3 tablespoons of fat. If you plan to make sauce, add half a cup of broth and 2 spoons of tomato paste.

Cooking and serving to the table

Before you cook a roast chicken,cut all the products and heat the frying pan with butter. Fry the vegetables almost until they are ready and transfer them to a bowl, trying to leave the oil in a frying pan. On a high fire, fry the chicken without covering it with a lid. When it is ready, return the vegetables and add the broth with the tomato paste dissolved in it. Cover and simmer for a few minutes.

Serve this dish hot, spreading in portions over the garnish so that the dripping sauce permeates it.