Restaurant "Coals" (Ufa): address, menu, description

Food and drink

In the city of Ufa there are many different enterprisesCatering. Residents know good food and good service. Therefore, in the restaurant "Coals" (Ufa) is always a large number of visitors. We suggest you get acquainted with its features and menu. So, we begin.

restaurant coals ufa

Restaurant "Ugli" (Ufa): features

In the Kirov district of the city there is a place, inwhich is loved not only by local residents, but also by visitors from other Russian cities. While some people are already going to bed, the restaurant "Ugli" (Ufa), the fun continues. It sounds nice music and dances. What is special about this institution? Here are the best city groups and individual performers. You can buy a customer card with a savings system of discounts. The restaurant is equipped with the highest quality equipment, which provides excellent music sound. What are the interiors of the restaurant? Leather sofas, wooden surfaces, unusual chandeliers and lampshades. It is very cozy and unusual here. There is a summer verandah, VIP cabins, hookah. Many dishes are prepared on the grill. Here you will be offered the most delicious and exquisite steaks from meat and fish.

The address of the restaurant "Ugli" in Ufa - Caucasus Street, 8/1. So, more about the kitchen.


Many visitors are very fond of ordering dishes in the restaurant "Ugli" (Ufa), such as:

  • Meat strudel.
  • Lulya-kebab from mutton.
  • Mackerel fillets with lentils.
  • Salad with chicken breast and avocado.
  • Herring with potatoes.
  • Tartar from salmon.
  • Cream of pumpkin soup with ravioli.
  • Pike perch in bacon.
  • Turkey meat on the grill.
  • Salmon carpaccio.
  • Julienne from beef tongue.
  • Fillet of pork knuckle with vegetables.

Here will be something to eat and fanscorrect, dietary nutrition. Pay attention to such dishes as buckwheat with porcini mushrooms, cream soup of celery and pears, medallions of tomatoes on the grill with beans and mushrooms and much more. Also on the menu there is a wide variety of alcoholic drinks: vermouth, whiskey, cognac, brandy, calvados, rum, tequila, gin, vodka. On weekdays, from 12.00 to 16.00, you will be offered a variety of business lunch options. Prices for them are quite low. The average bill in the institution is from 2000 thousand rubles.

restaurant coals ufa reviews

Restaurant "Ugli" (Ufa): reviews

The opinions of the visitors are extremely positive.Kindness and comfort always reign in the walls of the institution. Here you can enjoy the most delicious and delicious food. Cooks in the restaurant "Coals" (Ufa) - the real professionals of their craft. Here you are not only deliciously fed by a variety of food, but also you can interesting and fun to spend time in a relaxed atmosphere.