What to give to a guy: interesting ideas, recommendations and feedback

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A gift is always a subject by which a persontries to express his gratitude, love, attention and friendship. When it comes to the second half, then to his choice come even more carefully. It's one thing when a young man is looking for the necessary thing for a loved one, and it's quite another to choose a gift for him. What to give a guy? This issue especially on the eve of the holidays becomes the most urgent. In the search for an answer, almost any advisers and advisors are good.

What to consider when choosing a presentation for a man?

So what to give a guy? When choosing one, one must take into account his lifestyle, preferences, hobbies and hobbies. Also, gifts can be divided into New Year's, on those that are presented on birthdays and on February 23rd. They will be more different in style. This will become the main guide in choosing. In a situation where the funds for a gift are limited, you will have to apply imagination, and do not become a heroine of a joke: "Your best gift is me, with socks in my hands."

Choose in advance!

It is best to choose a present in advance,so as not to be in a situation where day X has already arrived, and it is not yet ready. After deciding what to give to the guy, you need to start bypassing stores, to pick up the subject for meeting the price and quality. In the case when the young guy has an old dream, for which there is no time or opportunity, one can try to implement it. Such a surprise will be most pleasant.

A gift for the New Year. Reviews guys

When choosing what to give a guy for the New Year,it is best to choose one that will remind the event for a whole year. But do not forget about what kind of lifestyle a young man leads, and what are his preferences. After that it will be easier to determine what you can give a guy for this event. Next we will consider different interesting ideas of the presents.

What not to give to a guy
  1. When a guy is a techie, he likes different novelties andgadgets, fiddling with technology, then the most successful gift will be a newfangled accessory to the phone or tablet, tools for care and repair for the equipment, well, or at worst, good quality headphones. In general, this accessory is enjoyed by almost everyone and always. Since headphones quickly fail. The guys who are presented with such gifts, as a rule, remain completely satisfied
  2. If a young person loves sports and actively implements themis engaged, then a gift that will make him happy, exclusively athletic. So what to give a guy on NG? This can be, for example, a subscription to the hall. Also, you can give a ticket to the game of your favorite team for the sport with which he is addicted. Certainly, such things will be appreciated.
  3. In the case when the guy is a careerist, adoring hiswork, and not thinking a full-fledged existence without it, the best gift for him will be an object that will look good in the workplace. What to give a guy on NG? It can be a written set or an organizer, an interesting desktop clock or just a pen of good quality. About these things, men usually leave different responses. Therefore, it is worth carefully choosing a present from this category.
  4. In case the guy is a homebody who loves more andto conjure in the kitchen, he will certainly be pleased with the gift in the form of a warm bathrobe, a home sweater or a kitchen implements, which he does not have, but he conceived his purchase (skewers, kneaders, etc.). Unfortunately, not all men like these gifts. Many people think that such things are not suitable for guys. Therefore, when choosing such an element, be sure that your young man will appreciate it.

It is important to understand that not a lot of functionality should be presented, but first of all it should please and be a reminder of exactly who made it. Especially if it's the second half.

Original and inexpensive. How to choose an interesting present?

What to give a guy for the New Year inexpensive? In the event that the funds for the present are limited, it makes sense to contact the store with original items, which today are represented by a large number. They sell a lot of interesting and original, ranging from a massager for the head, ending with inexpensive accessories for a computer or a car, if any. Deciding what you can give a guy for the New Year, you can go long proven way, which is known from childhood, a gift in the form of a bag with your favorite sweets. As you know, sweets guys love no less than the beautiful half.

Present for the birthday. What you need to know, so as not to put a person in an awkward position?

When choosing what to give a guy for a daybirth, it is necessary to determine who exactly is his donor. After all, much depends on this. That is, if a guy is in a relationship, and a female colleague wants to make a gift, then she should understand that it is possible to give a guy who is not free, while simultaneously making him happy and not creating problems. In such a situation, the present should not be too intimate. For those who are with him in related or close relationships, it will be easier.

Birthday gift. Traditional presents for guys

A gift for a birthday usually happensIt is emphasized by growing up. If, say, a guy is 18 years old, you can safely present an interesting T-shirt, and he will be happy. If a young man is 30 years old, then it is difficult to surprise with such a present. Rather, he will like the gift in the form of fashionable watches. This means that the choice of presentation should be guided by age. So what to give a guy for a birthday? There are traditional presents. These include:

  1. Tie with clip.
  2. Fashionable watches.
  3. Nice shirt.
  4. A good purse.
What to give a guy for his birthday

Gifts such as perfume, belts or underwear will be very intimate. They will do, if they are presented by the second half or a very close relative.

Other gifts

And what else can you give a guy? Nobody forbids the choice to approach more creatively and with imagination. One of the surprises is to prepare a party secretly from the birthday boy. As a rule, such a surprise is very spectacular and surprising.

What to give a guy on NG

And what to give for the birthday of the guy whothe soul does not cheet without his swallow, that is, is a motorist? He will be pleased with any subject related to his favorite transport. This can be a seat cushion or an entire audio system.

Original gift

What to give a guy? When choosing a present, remember that it does not have to be traditional, bought in a store or insanely expensive. You can always turn to your own fantasy and originality. After all, a gift is more expensive and enjoyable when it is chosen with a soul and attention. Determining that to give the original guy, it is necessary to understand that banal things do not fit. The gift must be amazing and memorable. And, as you know, the most memorable is what made him experience emotions, replenished his knowledge, or fulfilled his dream. Proceeding from this, it is possible to single out the following original ideas:

  1. If the guy is not afraid of heights and loves extreme sports, you can give a jump with a parachute or on a bungee.
  2. If he is an avid fisherman, then present as a gift spinning, which he dreamed of.

If the guy is your second half, then you can arrange a romantic date at a place that in his memory is associated with the most pleasant memories.

In general, when choosing a presentation, you should not be lazy and go on about opinions and traditions. Knowing a person well, and the fact that men are children in the shower, you can always choose a thing that will surprise him.

What to give a guy, the original? Present for the anniversary

Among all that is given, a present thatgirls are presented on the anniversary of their relationship with a young man, probably the sweetest and most romantic. In this situation, the problem usually is not what to give a guy. Given the romantic nature of female nature, the girl is able to solve this problem on her own, and yet additional ideas will not interfere. So, what to give a guy for a year? The following ideas can be adopted:

What to give a guy for a year of relationships
  1. Order or make a video about how the relationship developed, make an album with shared photos.
  2. You can arrange a date the length of a day, in whichtogether to visit the most significant places, which will end in your favorite cafe. Such a voyage can be arranged for one guy, in each new place, finding instructions for the following actions, which in the end should end in a favorite cafe or restaurant, in a romantic setting.
  3. You can make a gift in the form of a pendant or keychain, which consists of two halves.
  4. A gift will easily become a mug, T-shirt or other object, on which it is possible to apply the same or a pair of inscriptions.

In general, every girl can probably choosefor himself the most acceptable version of the gift for the anniversary. The main thing to remember is that the present should speak exactly about feelings for each other. Such a gift should strengthen relations, not become a cause of discord.

What to give a guy? A list of gifts for men, given their interests. Reviews

When an important event is needed in whichto choose a present, it becomes a problem. Asking the question of what to give a guy, everyone wants to get a list of options, from which it will be easier to choose. There are general recommendations, observing which, you can accurately choose a particular gift. So, what to give to the guy? The list of gifts is presented below:

What can you give a guy
  1. For the athlete, relevant gifts will bewith sports: a subscription to the hall, inventory, attendance of matches of your favorite team or a specific sporting event. After receiving such presents, men usually leave positive feedback about them.
  2. For a motorist you can choose:mats, covers, fragrances and air fresheners, surveillance systems (recorder) and follow-up (navigator). Such things are always respected for men who have a car.
  3. For the lover of technology and gadgets, computer accessories, new products in the technical market, new licensed software and games will suit.
  4. For a business person, keen on work, gifts related to office, work and style, that is, organizers, pens, classic ties, clasps, purses or fashionable watches will suit.
    What you can give a guy for the New Year
  5. For a lover of country recreation, a great gift will be a skewer, spinnings, brazier and other items for retreat.

From what presents is better to refuse? Men's Feedback

Choosing a gift, you can not, of course,for whom it is intended. Knowledge of the way of life, hobbies and dreams will be an excellent guide for a successful choice. Also a gift should be from the heart and with love. After all, we are talking about our feelings for the one to whom we give it. Of course, there are some things that should not be presented. These include:

What to give to a guy for the New Year
  1. Underwear due to its intimacy. Such a present at the initial stage of relations a man can regard incorrectly.
  2. Perfume and self-care items because of their banality and personal nature. Such gifts guys think uninteresting.
  3. Animals and plants, especially if there is no complete certainty that the guy has long dreamed of a true friend.
  4. Money. Such a present for the representatives of the stronger sex can even be an offensive gift. After all, it is the man who is the person who earns.
  5. Also, do not give a book, unless, of course, it's not some insanely expensive, rare and collector's edition, which the guy has long dreamed of.
  6. Hand maid, which is not always successful. Many men speak about such presents unflatteringly. They think that handmade is an unsuccessful surprise.

A small conclusion

Now you know what to choose as a present for a guy. The choice of a presentation is a responsible thing. It should be approached with special attention and time, especially if it is prepared for a loved one.