Interesting riddles about the rain in verse and prose

home and family

Children learn the world through images. In this they are helped by riddles. About the rain, for example, allegorically in quatrains it is said that he is a living being. Puzzles often use avatars, comparisons, epithets. They show children how to describe beautifully and figuratively the most common phenomena and objects.

Riddle of rain for children with a rhymed answer

The easiest way for babies to pick out the answer in thosecases when they themselves ask for language. This happens when the answer is the last word in the quatrain. Here is an example of a riddle about rain with a rhymed guess.

With thunder, lightning, and wind

He came to us from heaven with greetings

Long-legged wet leader -

I walked through the earth ... (rain)

In the suggested riddle, the hint is not only the rhyme for the word "leader". Thunder and lightning are often accompanied by rain and thunder. Yes, and the definition of "wet" also indicates the inclement weather.

puzzles about the rain

But the meaning of the word "leader" to children is compulsoryneed to be clarified. The current youth often does not know him. We can say that the leader is the chief person in the tribe or state, the party. When he appears among his subjects, they rejoice, applaud, bow their heads.

But the mystery is not about people, but about the phenomenon of nature. Hence, the head is also not inclined to living beings. Maybe these are plants? For example, grass, flowers.

Applause can also only man. And what in an inanimate nature very much reminds human palms? Of course, these are leaves! When they tremble heavily, they touch each other. So it turns out that the trees and bushes seem to applaud. So, on the example of parsing one riddle about rain, an adult will teach the children the lesson of using comparisons and personifications.

There are also colorful epithets. You can ask the children why the rain is called long-legged. If you imagine that the leader is walking on the ground, then his feet are the streams of water that are falling from heaven. And they are very long!

riddles about the wind and rain

So the riddles about the wind and rain reveal to the children the beauty of the Russian language, its versatility and imagery.

Short puzzles in prose about rain

You can use allegory, without resorting to versification. After all, riddles about the rain are in prose. Most often they have the form of questions. Here are examples of such puzzles.

  • What is the weather in the yard, when in the street from the sky water flows?
  • What kind of a king is walking along the ground with a roar and a flash of lightning?
  • What is happening on the street? Go out into the yard and get under a cold shower!

Riddles about the rain on children's holidays

Often on the matinees children play fairy tales. Very bright turns out performances, when they use poems, songs, riddles.

Particularly interesting is the matinee, when they themselvesviewers take part in the development of the plot. For example, some evil negative character captured the main character. He threatens the unfortunate and demands to guess the riddle. Only in the case of a correct answer to the hero is guaranteed freedom.

a riddle about the rain for children

And then the evil character, such as Leshy or Koshchei the Immortal, utters the words of the riddle.

Here are the wonders:

Weep bitterly the heavens ...

And the thunder roars loudly -

Bam-ba-bam and bomb-bo-bom!

Yes, bad weather and precipitation

We imposed orders:

At home you, my friend, sit

Yes in the window look.

And then into the forest for mushrooms

Let's go with the basket we!

But - oh, woe! A positive hero can not guess it. And the audience is happy to help him in this difficult matter, while receiving the unspeakable pleasure.