Fluoride in toothpaste: good and bad. Than and how to properly brush your teeth


Numerous advertisements say thatthe composition of a good toothpaste must necessarily include fluoride. Dentists also speak about its importance for enamel health. But is it really necessary for fluoride in toothpaste? The benefits and harms of this microelement are described in this article.

Strangely enough, the same element canbring the body as an undoubted benefit, and some harm. This primarily affects the excess of fluoride: it leads to a number of diseases that affect the teeth. The substance can not only strengthen the enamel, but also destroy it.

The importance of fluoride for the body

Of course, fluoride plays a big role for everyoneorganism. It is thanks to him that he maintains the strength of bone tissues, the growth and condition of teeth, hair and nails depend on him. Fluorine is especially important in the period of a person's growing up: without him, the skeleton of a child can not develop normally.

Fluoride affects the process of metabolism, and with its help from the body are better deduced dangerous and heavy metals. Without it, it is impossible to maintain immunity, and iron is digested much worse.

fluoride in toothpaste is good and bad

With a lack of fluoride in the bodybend, become brittle and brittle, less fused in case of fracture. Depend on him and his teeth: the enamel, suffering from a lack of this substance, gradually becomes thinner. Bacteria from soft dental plaque affect it more strongly, as a result of which caries develop rapidly. That is why paste containing fluoride is the choice of many people who have problems with their teeth.

Fluoride in toothpaste: benefit and harm

Commercials claim that the paste, whichdoes not contain fluorine, - money to the wind. Support this view and some dentists. This element is really necessary for the prevention of caries, it strengthens the enamel and protects it from the action of harmful bacteria. Under its influence, they secrete less acid, less actively multiply, and do not affect enamel so much. Therefore, the paste, which must fight tooth decay, will probably contain fluoride.

Toothpaste with fluoride has its advantages:

  • it has an antiseptic effect;
  • helps improve metabolism;
  • improves remineralizing effect of saliva:
  • stimulates the salivary gland;
  • "Inhibits" the transformation of a soft plaque into tartar.

toothpaste with fluoride

But at the same time children's fluoride paste does not contain, evenDespite the fact that he needs growing teeth. Add the element only to those hygiene products that are used by children older than five years. Young organisms are more susceptible to various substances, so fluorosis is more likely (fluorine excess).

Fluoride damage in paste

Toothpaste is by no means the only availablea source of fluoride. It is found in some food products (the best source is apples). In addition, the element is rich ... ordinary tap water. The daily rate of fluoride should not exceed three mg per day. It is enough to drink two liters of water a day to completely cover the body's need for the substance. It turns out that paste without fluoride is the choice of a person who feeds properly and consumes enough water.

In addition, this element is somewhat toxic toorganism. It has the property of accumulating in tissues, tooth enamel is no exception. If the element on it is too much, the process of destruction is started - fluorosis. It appears as whitish spots on the tooth surface. Gradually they turn yellow, literally eroding the enamel.

paste without fluorine

To preserve the enamel in fluorosis,treatment. It can consist of remineralizing therapy, photophoresis or the use of special applications. It is possible that the teeth will require additional bleaching, the usual professional cleaning will not work.

Which products contain fluoride

If there is fluoride in the toothpaste, the benefit and harm tooare available. Provide the body with a daily rate of this element can be due to the right diet. Correct food is not difficult. Most products with a high content of fluorine and so are present on almost every table.

Refer to them:

1. Fruits: apples, grapefruit.

2. A variety of nuts.

3. Any dairy products.

4. Various types of meat (especially the liver).

5. Nuts.

6. Vegetables: pumpkin, onion, spinach, potatoes.

7. Cereals: buckwheat and oatmeal.

8. Natural honey.

9. Any kind of tea.

As already mentioned, enough fluoridecontains even ordinary water. Dietitians are sure that an adult should drink at least two liters a day. If you adhere to proper nutrition and more often eat foods rich in this element, paste without fluoride is the most optimal option.

Toothpaste with fluoride

In some cases, fluorine-containing toothpastesreally can be a necessity. For example, if the body gets too little of this useful element in another form. Help to make a decision and make the right choice should be the attending dentist. He will assess the condition of the oral cavity and enamel, after which it will be clear if fluoride teeth are sufficient or one of the "top" pastes with this element is needed.

fluorine free paste

The fluorides contained in the pastes create on the dentalsurface is a kind of protective layer, reminiscent of a thin film. All substances dangerous to enamel, can not penetrate into it, their negative impact is reduced several times. Antibacterial effect, which has fluoride, slows down the multiplication of bacteria and the development of caries. The risk of gum disease is significantly reduced.

Paradontax with fluoride

Toothpaste from caries "Paradontax with fluoride"was created specifically to combat this disease. It is supplemented with sodium fluoride, which helps to start the process of remineralization of enamel. In addition, this tool perfectly removes bleeding gums.

It can be used by adults and children overfourteen years old. From the usual line "Paradontax with fluorine" is distinguished by a specific brackish flavor. The paste is suitable for long-term use, but the condition of the teeth should be observed. If there are bright spots, indicating an excess of fluoride - it is better to choose another remedy.

Colgate "Maximum protection against tooth decay"

The list of popular means includes "Colgate". Toothpaste against caries contains fluoride and liquid calcium, due to which it strengthens and protects enamel. There is also an additional pleasant effect: the paste destroys the color coating, with prolonged application, the teeth become noticeably whiter.

The product has a pleasant mint flavor anda long time helps to freshen your breath. Despite the popularity of the brand "Colgate", this toothpaste for children is not suitable, but for adults and teenagers - quite.

Blend-a-Med with active fluorine

This toothpaste with fluoride not only strengthensenamel, but also brightens it, and also reduces the rate of formation of soft plaque and tartar. Long-term use eliminates the bleeding gums. Strengthened enamel becomes less sensitive - the paste is great for people whose teeth react too sharply to cold or hot. To use constantly only this paste is not recommended: it is better to alternate with funds without fluoride.

Pastes without fluorine

If this substance in the body is enoughor has already begun to develop fluorosis, to choose the best tooth pastes that do not contain fluoride. Most often the main active ingredient is calcium - it somewhat "blocks" excess fluoride and perfectly strengthens the enamel, making the teeth more healthy.

All pastes that do not lead to an overabundancefluorine, suitable for continuous use. If you choose to orientate, you can both recommend the treating dentist and personal preferences. It is desirable, that the paste was white: color dyes of special advantage do not bring.


In the lineup "Splat" there are several pastes without fluoride. "Biocalcium" perfectly restores and polishes enamel, heals small wounds on the oral mucosa. The taste of the paste is sweet, with a slight mint flavor.

"Spam Maximum" reanimates damaged areassurface of teeth, quickly and carefully eliminates dangerous soft coating, blocks reproduction and spread of microbes and soothes inflamed gums. In addition, the stains from cigarettes or strong colored beverages are easily removed from the enamel.


This paste is unique in that it includesseveral calcium compounds, which are easily absorbed by the body. The plaque is formed more slowly, and the best toothbrush will help to remove it almost completely. Due to the potassium salt, sensitivity decreases. Therefore, a tool for people with sensitive enamel is recommended, but it is better to use it in courses rather than permanently.

The rules of quality cleaning

All the positive properties of any toothpastesignificantly reduced, if you neglect the cleaning rules. It is regular hygiene procedures that help maintain the health of the enamel and the oral cavity as a whole. It does not matter if fluoride is contained in toothpaste, the benefits and harms are completely determined by the quality of this simple procedure.

The skills of proper cleaning should be planted withearly childhood, so that the process was brought to automatism. If the parents can not cope with this independently, the child can be taken to a pediatric dentist. However, you can get advice at any age.

colgate toothpaste

How to properly brush your teeth? There are certain rules:

1. The outer surface is cleaned by vertical sweeping movements, the process begins from the gum.

2. During the cleaning of the inner surface, the movements are duplicated.

3. Chewing teeth need to be cleaned with horizontal movements.

How to choose a brush?

How do I know if I bought the best toothbrush? There are some secrets:

  • the working part of the brush should be short, not more than 3 centimeters;
  • it is advisable to take with artificial bristles: in bacteria the bacteria multiply more actively;
  • well, if the back of the head surface is ribbed - it is suitable for cleaning the tongue.

fluorine-containing toothpastes

Minimal harm is brought not only by soft dentalpaste, for enamel with increased sensitivity it is better to choose brushes with the same bristles. They less injure the gums, but a little worse plaque, so cleaning should be especially thorough.

Hard brushes are not suitable for everyone, and usethey should be followed only if there are appropriate recommendations. They tend to clean interdental spaces worse, injure soft tissues and can even damage enamel, especially if a paste with hard abrasive particles is used.

What else is needed to care for the oral cavity?

Not always for quality dental careit is enough just two-time cleaning, even if it is carried out according to all specified rules. Remains of food after eating are killed in the interdental spaces, especially if there are sufficiently large "pockets". When consuming sweet changes the acidity of saliva, it becomes more aggressive to the enamel.

the best toothbrush

Of course, you can not always brush your teeth afterevery meal. Chewing gum and floss - dental floss - will help to replace the process. Another option is simply rinsing the oral cavity with ordinary tap water. After cleansing it is desirable to use special rinses or broths of chamomile and oak bark: they reduce bleeding gums, strengthen them and cleanse the mouth of excess microbes.