Spikes in the uterus


In medical science, some specialists in thethe uterus is called neoplasms formed as a result of substandard and frequent surgical interventions, and related to the mucous membrane of the main genital organ. Or those that have emerged due to the development of diseases of the internal organs of a woman leading to the formation of endometritis. Due to the inflammatory process, infectious pathologies or trauma caused by the scraping procedure, the connective tissue of the mucosa grows. There are connections between the anterior and posterior walls of the uterus, and a healthy, normal endometrium completely dies.

Other experts in medicine spikes in the uterus are called sinechey. And characterize them, as the connecting partitions, formed in the cavity of the uterus. The causes of occurrence are similar phenomena:

  • Mechanical trauma to endometrial tissue;
  • Inflammatory process of endometrium.

Breach of the holistic cover and variousdamage to the mucous component very often occurs with abortion, with diagnostic studies of the mucosal state, with stopping bleeding after childbirth or removing the dead fetus during pregnancy. There is a high probability of getting a similar injury for your uterus when performing a caesarean section operation, genetic defects of the uterus, removal of polyps formed on the surface of the endometrium.

Inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the uteruswill not be forced to wait after complicated abortions or childbirth, use to protect the intrauterine device, infection with pathogens of sexual infections. Especially dangerous is the penetration into the cavity of the genital organ of tuberculosis bacteria.

A high degree of likelihood of fatalAn ailment called the adhesion of the uterus belongs to patients who have an undeveloped pregnancy in their history. Its unremoved placenta remnants contribute to the rapid and active growth of connective tissue. And the whole process occurs in the shortest possible time, before the layer of the endometrium is able to restore the normal level. And the combination and combination of harmful factors quite often increases the speed of the formation of such a diagnosis as adhesions on the uterus.

Spikes in the uterus appear as a result of adhesionand proliferation of connective tissue among themselves. At the same time, the healthy endometrium is completely superseded. Than a new formation has a greater thickness, the more it contains muscle fibers and blood vessels, which significantly prevents the removal of synechia from the uterine cavity. With a modest presence of splices, many patients are not even aware of their existence. And they learn about their diagnosis with a random procedure of hysteroscopy. A fairly large-scale phenomenon of fusion of connective tissue leads to a disruption of the menstrual cycle, the monthly become poor, up to complete cessation. The outflow of bloody discharge ceases, and the endometrium layer is completely replaced by a connective tissue.

In medical science, it is common to distinguish three degrees of development of the spike syndrome in the uterus:

  • At the first degree, thin,connective tissue bands, which occupy twenty-five percent of the volume of the uterine cavity. The mouth of the fallopian tube is characterized by free access as well as the bottom of the uterus;
  • At the second degree, the entrance to the fallopian tubes is partially covered by spikes. The pathological process is extended to three quarters of the cavity of the genital organ;
  • At the third degree, the walls of the uterus almost coalesce with each other. Harmful adhesions absorb the entire uterine cavity.

The main and severe consequence of spike syndrome inThe uterus is persistent infertility. In such external conditions, it is very difficult for the spermatozoon to reach the ovule, which after the maturation process moves into the fallopian tube. But even if fertilization does occur, a fertilized egg will be almost impossible to choose a suitable place and be implanted into the uterine wall. Since its healthy mucous membrane is normal due to proliferation of connective tissue.

Damage to cells of the basal layer of the endometrium, notcapable of a period of recovery, as well as a disturbed hormonal level, characterized by a low level of estrogen - these are the main causes that cause the ailment of adhesion in the uterus. And in the fight against this disease, the main thing is not surgical intervention, physiotherapy or folk methods of treatment, but a reliable explanation of the cause of the formation of connective growths for each patient individually.