What you can eat with diarrhea: diet and body


What can you eat with diarrhea? This question arises in every person who suffers flour from frequent loose stools. This process provokes dehydration of the body, so that the phenomenon itself is very unpleasant and the cause of its occurrence may lie both in a viral (bacterial) infection and in the destruction of the body by parasites. This disorder is accompanied by severe abdominal pain and weakness.

What can you eat with diarrhea?
To successfully cure this ailment, you need to be well versed in this question: “What can you eat with diarrhea?” After all, a well-designed diet is the way to improve health.

Frequent bowel movements are what deprivesan organism of elements that are very important to it. And you need to restore their balance. Another diet is designed to reduce the burden on the organs responsible for digestion. Culinary processing of products will be a great helper in this, that is, products are ground, ground, steamed. Or they are boiled.

So what can you eat for diarrhea? Only dishes that do not irritate the mucous membrane and enveloping the walls of the intestine and stomach. Such a diet will reduce the severity of pain. What can you eat with intestinal upset? Only those products in which there is a minimum amount of fats, carbohydrates and other components that are ways to provoke fermentation.

What can you eat with intestinal upset?

Competent diet can only appoint a specialist. He will take into account absolutely all factors (whether the stomach is swollen, what is the consistency of the chair, etc.). Also, the diet, which is prescribed in the recovery period, is very different from that which should be followed during the exacerbation.

When diarrhea is already a week away, dietneed very strict. Eating should be a little, but often (every three hours). It is also important to restore the water balance - use plenty of fluids, but without going over. It is also necessary after a meal to get some rest: take a nap or get comfortable in a chair.

So, if such a misfortune happened,indigestion, it is urgent to go to the following products: crackers and yesterday's white bread, lean poultry and fish, from which you need to make souffles, meatballs or steam meatballs. It is also worth eating chafed cheese through a sieve or boiled chicken eggs. Mucous boiled porridge will do, only you need to cook them in water. Of the drinks - coffee or tea, compotes or jelly (savory, and only from apples or dried fruits).

Diarrhea a week

There is something that you can eat with diarrhea, but there is somethingwhat is impossible. It should also list products that are strictly prohibited to use. These are fresh and rich flour products, macaroni. Vegetables, fruits and berries that are not cooked or ground. The most dangerous is carbonated drinks, sweets, hot, cold and fatty dishes, strong broths. All dairy products (except cottage cheese), pickles, smoked meats, canned food, fatty birds, fish and meat, millet, cereals, etc.

Once a person feels better, you can include dry biscuits, dairy products, whole-grain bread and fresh fruit in the diet.

However, diet is not just a resolution.Problems. Frequent stools can be the cause of severe damage to the body, therefore, if the symptoms are pronounced, you should immediately contact a specialist, since only he will correctly assess the patient’s condition and prescribe treatment.