"Kutis Compositum": instructions for use, feedback


Skin problems and dermatological diseasescan give a person a lot of trouble. And it's not even that eczema, acne, various rashes, scars and acne look unaesthetic. The main problem is that often they can be accompanied by very strong painful sensations, swelling and itching. Treatment of such dermatological problems is never rapid, it requires a comprehensive and systematic approach. Having faced the choice of drugs for such long-term therapy, many give their preference to natural homeopathic remedies which, when used systematically, solve complex dermatological problems in a complex manner.

], kutis compositum instructions for use review

One such homeopathic remedyis Kutis Compositum. In the article, we will examine its composition, indications for use, instructions and short reviews of those who already had the opportunity to experience its therapeutic effect on oneself.

General description of the preparation

"Kutis Compositum", instructions for usewhich we consider briefly, and not in the full version, is a homeopathic remedy. The production is carried out by the German pharmacological company Heel.
Produced in the form of a liquid without odor and color for intramuscular injections in ampoules of 2.2 ml. Depending on the packing in 1 package can be 100, 50, 10 and 5 ampoules.

kutis compositum

Most often, dermatologists are prescribed as an auxiliary drug during the complex therapy of acne of moderate severity.

Ingredients that are part of the composition and their effect on the body

"Kutis Compositum" is a multicomponent drug. Next, we consider all the components that, according to the instruction, are included in its composition:

  1. Extract from the pig skin stimulates the skin functions. Has a curative effect with dermatitis, seborrhea, bedsores, neurodermatitis, eczema, cracks and thermal skin burns, allergic rashes.
  2. Extraction from the umbilical cord of the pig activates the functions of connective tissue. Effective in the treatment of dermatitis, neurodermatitis, circulatory disorders.
  3. Extract from the pig liver activates and improves the detoxification function of the liver.
  4. Extract from the pork adrenals is used to treat cracks and thermal damage to the skin, various burns.
  5. Extract from the pig's spleen improves immunity, activates the protective function of the body, stimulates the work of the spleen.
  6. Extraction from the placenta of the pig improves peripheral circulation. Has a curative effect with eczema, bedsores, "marble skin", non-healing ulcers on the legs.

In addition to components of animal origin, "Kutis Composite" contains in its composition various minerals, compounds, micro- and macro elements, including:

  • Selenium, which inhibits the increased work of the sebaceous glands, helps the digestive tract, it struggles with various eruptions on the body.
  • Thallium sulfate is effective in combating hair loss.
  • Calcium fluoride slows the process of degeneration of connective tissues.
  • Sulfur is used to treat various abscesses on the body, helps to remove itching with eczema, is used in the therapy of a variety of dermatological diseases and activates the work of immunity.
  • Mercury Hahnemann is used for severe glandular inflammation.
  • Sodium oxalate is effective in the fight against wet rashes on the body, wet dermatitis.
  • Formic acid has a visible therapeutic effect in the treatment of wet rashes.
  • Fumaric acid is successfully used in the treatment of acne, and is also indicated for use in alimentary allergies.
  • Alpha-ketoglutaric acid is used for the early healing of difficult scarring abscesses. It is used in the complex treatment of mycoses, scaly specimens and dermatoses.
    kutis compositum manual

The composition of "Kutis Compositum" includes extracts and extracts from various medicinal plants and herbs:

  • Thuja is used for diseases of mucous membranes.
  • Ignacy Amar helps in the care of a very sensitive, allergen-prone skin.
  • The pickaxe is a medicinal plant, which is used to treat ulcers on the mucous membranes, ulcers and neoplasias.
  • Burdock is known for its ability to accelerate the healing of wounds from the bites of various insects and animals, it helps with small hemorrhage on the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Ledum marsh helps to cope with acne.

Healing properties

Due to its rich composition, the preparation has pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and reparative properties.

 kutis compositum scars afterburn

Most often it is used to treat acnerashes, because due to its composition the drug has a resolving effect, reduces the severity of acne, eliminates inflammation of the skin and activates its ability to regenerate. Due to the effective effect on the dermis such a severe phenomenon as post-burn scars, "Kutis Compositum" is also able to reduce.

Indications for use

In addition to burn scars and acne, indications for the use of the drug are also such diseases as:

  • Dupuytren's contracture;
  • scleroderma;
  • lupus;
  • dermatoses and dermatitis;
  • wet dermatitis;
  • pressure sores;
  • ecthyma;
  • dark spots;
  • impetigo.

How to apply

The drug is administered intramuscularly, 1 ampoule, 1-3 times a week.

kutis compositum instructions for use

The exact dosage is determined only by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition and the severity of his illness. The course of treatment, as a rule, is 4-5 weeks.

Kutis Compositum: instructions for use, feedback

Reviews about this drug can be found notvery much, but mostly they are positive. Patients noted that after the appointment of this homeopathic remedy, the appearance of their skin improved significantly, acne eruptions were less and were not as painful as before. Some even managed to completely get rid of the appearance of new acne.

kutis compositum reviews

It is worth noting that reviews about Kutis Compositumyou can meet not only positive. In some cases, no special results or changes were noted by those who prescribed this drug on their own, having read and listened to his miraculous ability to save acne.

As a rule, dermatologists use this remedyis prescribed at the very end of the treatment in order to preserve the results that were achieved during prolonged therapy. To hope that acne or any other dermatological illness will pass after several injections with one drug, it is meaningless.

Precautionary measures

Any, even the most natural and harmless,a remedy can have its own side effects and contraindications to the use. Homeopathic preparation "Kutis Compositum" is not an exception, and its appointment should be done only by a qualified doctor. Do not forget that the product is multicomponent and should be used with caution for people prone to allergic reactions (the composition contains ichthyol).