How to remove a tick?


Ticks are very unpleasant parasites living onbushes and in tall grass. Their activity increases in the periods from March to May and from August to October. In the summer, these animals are not so active. Become a target of a tick can be walking in the park, relaxing in nature, wandering through the forest - from such an unpleasant phenomenon no one is immune. From time to time it is necessary to solve the problem - how to remove the tick.

Here, opinions diverge.Some people believe that the removal of the parasite should be done only by the medic, while others, on the contrary, do not see anything dangerous in self-relieving. Of course, if you have the opportunity, it will be better to seek professional medical help. But you can extract this parasite yourself - the main thing is to do it right.

Ticks - why are they dangerous?

Before deciding how to remove a tick, you need toto understand what constitutes this arthropod. Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are sensitive to infrared radiation, which allows them to detect the victim in time and attack it. With the help of the proboscis, the tick is inserted under the skin, where its feeding process passes.

Why are they dangerous?First, mites are carriers of a variety of infections, for example, borreliosis and encephalitis. Secondly, his body or proboscis is perceived by the body as an alien particle, so quite often an inflammatory process develops at the site of penetration.

How to remove the tick correctly?

Remember that after each hike in the forest orwalking along the field and the park zone, you need to undress and carefully examine the body. Remember that the earlier you remove a pest, the less chance you will have to catch a serious infection that gets into the blood along with the saliva of the animal.

  1. Remove the tick with tweezers. Try not to force his body as close as possible to the proboscis.
  2. Now slowly turn the parasite,while gently pulling it out from under the skin. Approximately after 1 - 4 such turns the animal should be completely removed. If you do not have tweezers, you can use a thread - tie the body of the mite and pull it out with the same scrolling movements.
  3. If you have neither a thread nor tweezers (perhaps youfound the parasite even during the hike), then you can do otherwise. Wrap clean napkins around your fingers, grab the pest's body and take it out, slowly scrolling. You can not try to squeeze out or sharply pull out the tick - so you just tear off its part, and the head and proboscis will remain under the skin.
  4. Now treat the wound with an antiseptic - it can be cologne, peroxide, vodka, iodine or zelenka.

How to remove a tick: useful recommendations.

There is an opinion that before proceedingextract the tick, it is necessary to treat it with oil, gasoline, cologne or burn with a match. Many people do use these methods to first kill the parasite. But this is quite dangerous. The fact is that when an animal dies, it sprays a huge dose of its saliva, which greatly increases the risk of catching an infectious disease (if the animal really was its carrier). It is better to take it alive after all.

After a tick bite, it is recommended to contacta hospital for testing for encephalitis and other infections that you might have picked up on an insect. The sooner a disease is discovered, the easier it will be to get rid of it.

Knowing how to remove a tick, you need to understandand what to do is strictly prohibited. For example, you can not jerk it up, because the parasite will simply burst. Remaining under the skin parts of the proboscis, jaws and head can cause inflammation of the skin. If, after the procedure, you have left part of the pest that you can not remove, then do not rinse the wound yourself - it's best to see a doctor.

It's actually quite common parasites, so the knowledge of how to remove the tick correctly, no one will interfere.