The right diet for heartburn


Heartburn is a condition in which from the stomach inthe esophagus emits a certain amount of gastric juice. Normally this occurs up to 5-6 times in horizontal position and vertical position - 1-2 times within an hour / The person does not feel this phenomenon, it is not dangerous for the esophagus, since contact with the mucosa of the esophagus does not exceed 5 minutes. But in pathological cases, the release of gastric juice is increased to 50 times, a person already feels the influence of gastric juice on the esophagus, which is manifested by a burning sensation, sometimes pain. All these people call heartburn. Since the contact of juice and mucous membrane increases, a local inflammatory process appears, which ultimately leads to constant pain and swallowing disorders. If heartburn occurs more than 2-3 times a week, this indicates that a person suffers from gastroesophageal reflux. With this disease, the sphincter, which is at the level of the esophagus in the stomach, is weakened.

There are some factors that reduce the tonesphincter, such as: fatty foods, chocolate, citrus, coffee, alcohol, spicy food. But this condition can also be with the increase of some hormones in the blood (progesterone, secretin, glucagon, somatostatin) or in other situations (during smoking, pregnancy, physical overload).

Diet for heartburn is almost the most importantelement in the treatment of this disease. Even the best means are not able to cure it completely if the food is not regulated. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, diet No. 1, 1a or 1b according to Pevzner is used depending on the stage of the disease. It is important to eat food is cooking, the food should be cooked steamed or boiled, in no case fried. The temperature of food should be equal to the body temperature, or rather the organs - 37-38 degrees, as cold and hot food stimulates the formation of gastric juice and lowers the tone of the lower sphincter of the esophagus. Also, the food should be in liquid form or mushy, eliminating solid food, since with prolonged heartburn some inflammatory damages of the mucosa of the esophagus are possible. The daily portion is divided into 6-7 receptions. It is important that the patient does not eat food in large quantities, as with full filling of the stomach, its expanded walls further stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. So you should eat often and in small portions.

Diet for heartburn eliminates spicy food, allpickles, canned food, chocolate, a large number of sweets. Also excluded are coffee, black tea, cocoa. From vegetables and fruits are not allowed garlic, onions (in raw form), sour apples, cherries. Avoid heavily greasy foods, use vegetable fat in small amounts. Also, you should stop using alcoholic beverages, smoking, carbonated drinks.

In the diet should be introduced low-fat meat (proteinsincrease the tone of the sphincter), milk and dairy products, but not too acidic. For drinking you can use green tea, not very sweet compotes, tea from herbs, kissel and just water. Also, food should be rich in fiber to prevent constipation. Diet for heartburn should be a diverse and rich in vitamins, as with increased acidity some useful substances can be lost.

After a meal, in no case is it allowed to takehorizontal position, since it is after eating that the stomach is especially active to move food towards the duodenum, so that when it is cut, food can get into the esophagus. When you are in a horizontal position, the pressure on the esophageal sphincter increases even more, which is unable to keep food in the stomach. The release of acid will be even more frequent. For half an hour you should take a walk, do something sitting or standing. The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime. Diet for heartburn should be observed almost all of life, should develop a food culture. Of course, a strict diet should be maintained for a month and repeated 2 times a year.

For the treatment of many diseases, includingsuch as heartburn, folk remedies play an important role. In people, heartburn is treated with Kalin's jam, potato juice, olive or sunflower oil, some herbs (wormwood, chamomile, etc.).

Heartburn is a very unpleasant phenomenon, it is a constant discomfort that a person feels. Proper nutrition with heartburn guarantees successful treatment of this ailment.