DIC-Syndrome - its causes, treatment


With disseminated intravascularcoagulation of blood occurs a sudden coagulation of blood in small blood vessels. As a result, multiple bleeding occurs as well as blood clots that are found in various parts of the body. This causes many complications and leads to disruption of the work of many organs.

Etiology of DIC syndrome

The causes that cause the DIC syndrome are veryvarious. It can be extensive burns, sepsis, vascular disease, hemorrhagic shock, snake bite. Disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs with transfusion of incompatible blood groups. DIC-syndrome in pregnancy is possible in the case when there is a severe form of gestosis. This can happen in the first and last trimester of pregnancy. This syndrome occurs with an early placental abruption, as well as Rh-conflict. Sudden frozen pregnancy, as a result of which the further development of the fetus stops, is also one of the etiological factors contributing to the development of DIC syndrome. These conditions cause hypoxia of various tissues of the body, which contributes to the emergence of metabolic acidosis.

Symptoms of DIC syndrome

The main symptoms that characterizeDIC-Syndrome, are multiple bleeding. They can occur in the nose, mouth, rectum, vagina. Outwardly they look like minor redness. Internal bleeding is a big danger. Depending on the affected organ, the symptoms vary. For example, with a hemorrhage in the lungs there is difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, if hemorrhage in the kidneys - it is possible to oliguria or anuria. The appearance of neurological symptoms allows us to conclude that a hemorrhage in the brain. A sharp decrease in blood pressure indicates a severe course of the syndrome. DIC-syndrome can have a chronic form. This is observed with malignant neoplasms. In this case, the organism has time to adapt to this state. He begins to gradually compensate for violations.

Diagnosis of DIC syndrome

Disseminated intravascular coagulationblood is very difficult to diagnose. That experts have come to such diagnosis, it is necessary to spend full and careful inspection of all organism. If the results of the tests indicate the simultaneous development of the patient's signs of bleeding and thrombosis, the presence of DIC syndrome can be assumed. First of all, a thorough analysis of the blood clotting system is carried out. There is a determination of D-dimer, prothrombin time is measured, the amount of fibrinogen in the blood is determined. For diagnostics, it is important to know the correlation of the formed elements in the patient's blood. Simultaneous coincidence of all diagnostic signs allows to put an unequivocal diagnosis - DIC-syndrome.


Before starting treatment for disseminatedintravascular coagulation, it is necessary to identify and, if possible, eliminate the cause that caused this syndrome. The subsequent treatment is performed in the intensive care unit or in the intensive care unit. First of all, a blood transfusion is carried out and its uniform elements. After that, heparin is injected - an anticoagulant that blocks blood clotting reactions. It is necessary to normalize hemodynamics. Then they go on to treatment of the complications that have arisen after the DIC syndrome.

Identify the presence of DIC syndrome by puttinganalysis. If there are any suspicions, you should immediately contact your doctor, do not let this process go by itself. Take care of your health and take care of the health of your future baby.