Insomnia: Causes, Treatment of Sleep Disorders


Insomnia is defined in medicine as a difficultywith falling asleep and maintaining sleep, despite the opportunities available to him. This problem usually leads to a violation of the state of health of a person who is diagnosed with insomnia. Causes, treatment of different types of this state, we will discuss in today's article.

nervous insomnia


Insomnia is usually divided into three types:

  • Transitional - its symptoms last for several days.
  • Acute also refers to short-term manifestations, but its symptoms are more prolonged (up to several weeks).
  • Chronic insomnia. This type of sleep disorder can last several years.

But it should be noted that chronic is usually secondary. That is, it is a side effect of treatment or manifestation of other diseases.

Most often, similar disorders affect mature women. But, nevertheless, this problem can be overtaken at any age and noticeably hampered in work and study.

What causes insomnia? Causes

Treatment of this disorder is always repelledfrom what lies at the origins of sleep disorders in a particular person. And there can be many reasons. So, stressful situations: the death of a loved one, loss of work, preparation for the exam, etc. - causes nervous insomnia. Alcohol, drugs and even some drugs, as well as biorhythm disorders (this applies to people who are forced to work in different shifts), hormonal disorders and mental disorders are equally common impulses to sleep disorders.

How is insomnia manifested?
insomnia symptoms

Symptoms of a sleep disorder are not onlythe inability to fall asleep or sleep soundly throughout the night. This problem manifests itself in the daytime. As a rule, it is weakness, drowsiness during the day, mood swings, irritability, anxiety, loss of attention and memory, headache, etc.

When should I see a doctor about insomnia?

If the disorder is observed in you for a long timetime and he was joined by symptoms that bother you, consultation with a neurologist specialist is necessary. By the way, if insomnia is caused by an already existing disease (for example, an illness with a strong pain syndrome), the treating doctor can also do it.

How is insomnia treated?
Insomnia Causes Treatment

Causes, treatment are two strongly relatedthe factor of getting rid of the problem under discussion. You understand that, for example, with the disappearance of stressful situations or evening the biorhythm, sleep is restored.

Treatment of this ailment can be divided intonon-medical (behavioral) and medicamentous. Both approaches are necessary for successful treatment. In addition to those drugs that will be appointed by the doctor, the patient must comply with several rules:

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  • Do not sleep during the day.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages and caffeine before bedtime.
  • Do not smoke before going to bed.
  • Create in the bedroom a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.
  • Do not go to bed on an empty stomach or after a dense dinner.
  • Lie down, only when you feel like sleeping.
  • Do not look at television for the night, try to exclude reflections in bed over plans the next day.

And let the insomnia, the reasons, the treatment of which we have considered, does not bother you!