Zaeda in the corners of the mouth: treatment. Causes and prevention of the disease


At any age, each of us can facewith such an unpleasant phenomenon as seizures in the corners of the mouth. Formations in the form of irritation, cracks and ulcers on the outer sides of the lips are accompanied by discomfort, because it becomes painful not only food intake, but also the possibility of talking. In addition, the conversations do not look very nice, pretty spoiling the line of the lips.

This problem can arise absolutely in theany age, at any time of the year, but especially in the spring, when our body has not yet recovered from winter cold, and immunity is weakened due to vitamin deficiency.

If you find yourself or your childseizures in the corners of the mouth, treatment should begin with an analysis of the state of the body as a whole. The main reason for the appearance of such unpleasant formations on the skin is a disruption in the digestive system. It is not necessary to consider this manifestation as a cosmetic defect, because in fact the bacterial infection manifests itself in this way.

The causes of this defect can also bebe and spring avitaminosis, and a lack of zinc in the body, and various allergic reactions. If in your case it is an infectious type, then infection could occur by contact with a sick person. In this case, you need to ensure the safety of your loved ones so that there is no transmission of infection to them from you. After all, eating at the corners of the mouth, which you are already treating, can quickly go to any member of your family.

To get rid of such ugly education, like jamming in the corners of the lips, treatment can be chosen as traditional with the help of pharmaceuticals, and traditional medicine.

Of the drugs presented in the pharmacy network,you can buy D-panthenol, sintomycin ointment, tetracycline ointment or levomycol. And during the treatment period, it is necessary to exclude food from your diet that can provoke allergic reactions and irritation of the mucous membrane. Drink as much water as possible, because with a lack of fluid in the body, any wounds heal much more slowly.

There are also people's means that save usfrom such trouble, as заеды in corners of a mouth. Treatment is sometimes more effective than drugs manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. Of folk remedies, the following can be applied:

- perfectly help compresses made from herbs - sage, chamomile, celandine. You can apply to a sick place brewed tea bags with green tea;

- It is recommended to apply several times a dayto the formed jams cotton swab dipped in olive oil, linseed oil or tea tree oil, as any oil softens irritated areas;

- You can prepare a mask, the ingredients of which are apple and butter. To do this, grate the apple on a grater, mix with oil and apply the mass to the corners of the lips;

- Of the anti-inflammatory agents, aloe and propolis have the best effect, which are also bactericidal.

In the event that you are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as eating at the corners of the mouth, whose treatment you may have completed or have already completed, it is worth considering further prevention.

To ensure that the skin of the lips is tender, do notcracked and had a beautiful appearance, try to apply honey on the lips at night. Wet your lips several times a day with clean water and use hygienic lipstick. At the first signs of the appearance in the corners of the cracks, apply a rubbed lard with a rose petal to the lips.

Control your diet, try to make the menu so that the food was rich in vitamins and minerals.

Ways to prevent the formation of suchproblems like bumps in the corners of the mouth, quite a lot. You only need to choose one or several for yourself, and then the discomfort will never disturb you, and your smile will be sincere and radiant.