Types of electric shock, first aid, consequences


Statistics show that electric shock is usually found in everyday life and at work. How to protect yourself and what to do in the event of an impact of current?

What is electrical injury?

Cases of electric shock area rare phenomenon, but at the same time they are among the most dangerous injuries. With such a defeat, a lethal outcome is possible - statistics show that it occurs on average in 10% of injuries. This phenomenon is associated with the effect on the body of an electric current. Consequently, the risk group includes representatives of professions related to electrics, but it is not excluded accidents among people who accidentally encountered the effect of current in the home or on sections of electric lines. As a rule, the cause of such damage is technical problems or non-compliance with safety regulations.

types of electric shock

Types of electric shock

The nature of the effect on the body and its degree can be different. Classification of electric shock is based on these features.

Electrical burn

Electric shock is one of the most commonoccurring lesions. There are several variants of such trauma. First of all, it should be noted the contact form, when the electric current passes through the body when it comes into contact with the source. Also distinguished arc damage, in which the current itself does not pass directly through the body. The pathological effect is associated with the electric arc. If a combination of the forms described above is noted, such a lesion is called mixed.


The electric arc not only leads to a burn, butand eye irradiation (this is a source of UV rays). As a result of this exposure, inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs, the treatment of which can take a long time. In order to avoid such a phenomenon, special protection against electric shock and compliance with the rules of working with its sources are necessary.


Among the types of skin lesions with their clinicalpeculiarities are the metallization of the skin, which arises from the penetration of metal particles melted by the action of an electric current. They are the smallest in size, penetrate into the surface layers of the epithelium of open areas. Pathology is not fatal. Clinical manifestations soon come to naught, the skin acquires a physiological color, and painful sensations cease.

Electric signs

Thermal and chemical action leads tothe formation of specific signs. They have sharp contours and color from gray to yellowish. The shape of the signs can be oval or round, and also remind lines and dots. Skin in this area is characterized by the appearance of necrosis. It becomes cured due to the necrosis of the superficial layers. Due to cell death in the post-traumatic period, there are no pains among the complaints. The lesions pass after a while due to regeneration processes, while the skin acquires a natural color and elasticity. Such a trauma occurs very often and usually does not lead to death.

Mechanical damage

They occur with prolonged exposure to current. Mechanical injuries are characterized by muscle and ligament ruptures that result from muscle tension. In addition, the neurovascular bundle is additionally damaged, and serious injuries such as fractures and complete dislocation are possible. It requires more serious and highly qualified assistance in case of electric shock with such a clinic. In case of untimely rendering of the help or too long influence the lethal outcome is possible.

As a rule, the listed species do not arise separately, but are combined. This factor makes it difficult to provide first aid and further treatment.

What does the degree of electric shock depend on?

This indicator depends not only on strength,the duration of the action and the nature of the current, but also the resistance of the organism. Skin and bones have a high resistance, in the liver and spleen, on the contrary, it is low. Reduced resistance is facilitated by fatigue and exhaustion of the body, so in such cases, the most likely death. This is also promoted by wet skin and wet clothing. Protect the body from harmful effects will help clothes and shoes made of leather, silk, wool and rubber, as they will serve as an insulator. It is these factors that affect the risk of electric shock.

electric shock


Electric current leads to multipledamage. First of all, it acts on the nervous system, which impairs motor activity and sensitivity. In addition, there are pathological reflexes. For example, pronounced convulsions and loss of consciousness can lead to death as a result of stopping breathing. After rescuing the victim, there are sometimes deep lesions of the central nervous system. The main types of electric shock to this lead.

Effects on the heart can also lead todeath, since the current leads to a violation of contractility and causes fibrillation. Cardiomyocytes begin to work in an inconsistent manner, as a result of which the pump function is lost, and the tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen with blood. This leads to the development of hypoxia. Another formidable complication is vascular rupture, which can lead to death from blood loss.

Reduction of muscles often reaches such a strength thatit is possible fracture of the spine, and, consequently, damage to the spinal cord. On the part of the sense organs, a violation of tactile sensitivity, tinnitus, a decrease in hearing, a lesion of the tympanic membrane and elements of the middle ear are noted.

Complications do not always manifest immediately. Even with a prolonged exposure, the electric shock can make itself felt in the future. The long-term consequences are arrhythmias, endarteritis, atherosclerosis. On the part of the nervous system, neuritis, vegetative pathology and encephalopathy can occur. In addition, contractions are possible. That's why the means of protection against electric shock are important.

degree of electric shock


The main etiological factor is the action of the current. Additional conditions are the state of the body and the presence or absence of any protection. Electric shock, as a rule, arises because of non-compliance with the rules of use or lack of protection when working with wiring. The risk group includes professions related to working with current. However, electrical injury can occur to any person. There are often cases of defeat in everyday life, but they mostly end favorably. In addition, frequent among such lesions are episodes of contact with bare wires. Attention and knowledge of safety techniques will protect against such phenomena.

220 volt

Clinical manifestations of electrical injury

Symptoms depend on the type of lesion, and theircomplex is based on a combination of manifestations of the described types of injuries. Also, the clinic depends on the severity. It should be noted that the most dangerous functional deviations of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The victim is in extreme pain. On the face there is a characteristic suffering expression, and the skin becomes pale. Under the influence of current, muscle contraction takes place, the duration of which depends on the preservation of their integrity. All this can cause loss of consciousness, and in a more severe case - death. To prevent this condition, protection from electric shock will help.

The effect of current on the body

Changes that occur in the body under the influence ofcurrent, are associated with the multifaceted nature of its impact. It has a thermal effect, by converting electrical energy into thermal energy because of the resistance of tissues. This is due to the formation of burns and signs. Thermal action adversely affects the body, as it inevitably leads to the destruction of tissues.

Electrochemical action mainlyaffects the circulatory system. This leads to a change in the charge of many molecules, and also glues blood cells, thickening the blood and promoting the formation of blood clots.

Biological influence is associated with the violation of organs and systems - action on muscle tissue, respiratory system, nerve cells.

Multiple effects of current on the bodyaggravates the condition of the victim, increasing the risk of death. Combined electric shock factors can lead to a different outcome. Even the action of 220 volts on the body will cause irreversible violations.

danger of electric shock

First aid

All types of electric shock requireprompt emergency care, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible. First of all, it is necessary to stop the effect of the current on the victim, that is, turn off the circuit. To do this, the rescuer should definitely protect himself with insulating materials and only then pull the victim from the source. Then you need to call an ambulance and start first aid. These events are held before the arrival of specialists. A person exposed to a current can not tolerate a cold one, so it must be transferred to a warm, dry surface. The first aid is aimed at restoring vital functions - breathing and circulation. This requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Everyone should be educated or have even the slightest idea. Resuscitation is carried out on a hard surface. The rescuer combines artificial respiration and heart massage. It is necessary to observe the ratio of 2 breaths and 30 strokes. Salvation begins with a massage, since the restoration of blood circulation is a priority. It is carried out with straight hands, palms facing one another (the pressure is the wrist area on the lower part of the sternum). The recommended frequency is 100 strokes per minute (the chest should move 5 cm). After the oral cavity is cleaned of secretions and carry out artificial respiration. To protect the rescuer, it is recommended to perform manipulation through a handkerchief. Resuscitation can be carried out by two rescuers, while a ratio of 2 breaths and 15 strokes is observed. When one person inhales, the second person is not allowed to touch the chest. When carrying out an inspiration, the chest of the injured person must necessarily rise - this indicates the correctness of the procedure.

electric shock


Electric shock requires prompt resuscitation andsubsequent treatment. Therapy is carried out in a hospital. Even if the victim feels satisfactory and the injuries are insignificant, preventive care is required to avoid complications.

Treatment is aimed at rapid healinglesions of the skin, as well as to eliminate other disorders associated with the harmful effects of current. Observation in the hospital is done until complete recovery.

means of protection against electric shock


Prevent all types of electrical damagecompliance with safety regulations will help. Do not use electrical appliances that are defective. It is also contraindicated to touch them with wet hands, as this will improve the current flow. Work with electrical appliances and wiring requires the use of protection against electric shock. These include dielectric mats, gloves, special pads. Tools must have a handle with insulation. Also for prevention, people should be informed about the possibility of such a trauma. A special role is played by informing the media, as well as conducting conversations with schoolchildren. This will reduce the risk of electric shock.

Electrical injuries are very dangerous, and their outcome depends onmany factors. It affects not only the current indicators (voltage, duration), but also the protective forces of the body. For example, a current of 220 volts, depending on the conditions of exposure, can lead to both non-fatal injuries and death. It is very important to comply with safety techniques - this will avoid such damage.