Velvet abortion is an effective way to abort pregnancy


For many, the interruption of variability is associatedwith pain and fear. There are several methods of abortion: surgical abortion, velvet (medical) abortion and vacuum mini-abortion. Velvet abortion is carried out using special pharmacological agents. It should be said that this type of abortion can be carried out only in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 42 days from the first day of the last menstruation). Medical abortion does not require a vacuum or mechanical removal of the embryo from the uterus.

In order to make a velvet abortion,gynecologists most often prescribe oral ("Mifepristone") drugs. Before the appointment of medications the patient must undergo an appropriate examination. The mechanism of action of mifepristone is associated with the separation of the zygote from the endometrium. After 1.5-2 days a woman re-visits the attending physician, who appoints "Misoprostol". This drug acts on the myometrium, which leads to a reduction in the muscles of the uterus. With these manipulations, medical abortion is completed by expelling the contents of the uterus. Pain after abortion, as well as discharge from the vagina are similar to those that are observed with abundant periods.

After about two weeks, the doctor conductsa checkup and confirms that the abortion was successful. The efficiency of this method is about 97-99%. Despite the fact that velvet abortion seems a fairly simple way to terminate a pregnancy, it should be done in a medical institution. Since any other method of artificial termination of pregnancy, velvet abortion has its complications and, of course, contraindications. Therefore, the taking of drugs and the subsequent condition of the patient should be controlled by an experienced specialist.

So, let's name the main advantages of velvetabortion: abortion occurs without surgery and is the safest method. The drugs used block the production of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone), which is responsible for the fetal development of the fetus. Therefore, the embryonic cells can not tightly attach to the endometrium and begin to flake off. Thus, the cervix dilates, the embryo emerges from the mother's body in the form of heavy bleeding.

Psychologically, this abortion by patientsIt is easier to bear because it is perceived as a normal menses. Bloody discharge lasts for a week. Sometimes they can be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. If necessary, the doctor prescribes analgesics. The safety of the method is further conditioned by the fact that the patient is constantly under the supervision of a doctor. The gynecologist gives recommendations on preparations for abortion. Drugs are taken in the presence of a specialist, a woman is in the clinic for about 4 hours, until the drug begins to act. Perhaps the most important advantage of medical abortion is the lack of surgical intervention. Interruption of pregnancy is carried out practically without the influence of the human factor. Thus, we exclude the development of various complications: uterine perforation, infection, scarring, gynecological diseases.

Compared to other interrupt methodspregnancy non-surgical abortion is the most sparing and harmless to the health of the patient. Often this method is recommended for women who have this first abortion. It can be said that this is the best method of aborting a pregnancy for up to six weeks. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of the method largely depends on the period of pregnancy. Velvet abortion is ineffective in ectopic pregnancy. Women with diseases of the reproductive system are recommended to undergo colposcopy, as well as to make a smear test for infectious diseases of the reproductive system.