Cough syrup for children


Not always parents can save their childfrom the impact of the environment, because you can easily catch the infection. The most dangerous is the autumn-spring season, when humidity and dampness in the street are the first causes of colds.

Most often, a child's cough has a productivecharacter, that is, sputum departs. This means that mucus is not retained in the airways. But if you suddenly have a cough in the child without mucus leaving, then appropriate measures should be taken. The same applies to cases when the mucus is very small or it has a too viscous structure.

Cough syrup

To date, the most effective meansA syrup is considered to fight a child's cough. It is a medicinal product that has a liquid consistency, as well as a pleasant taste, which is so important for children. It is his taste that helps make the treatment process more effective and enjoyable for your child.

As for the choice, it is not worth it yourselfbuy cough syrup for a child. Be sure to consult a pediatrician before taking this medication. Even plant cough syrups are not recommended without a doctor's appointment. Especially if it concerns children under 2 years old who do not know how to cough up phlegm.

There are many syrups that helpchildren cope with a cough. These are single-component preparations, for example, based on plantain, as well as those with several components. There are syrups that are allowed by pediatricians even to newborn children. But nevertheless, only the doctor should select them.

The most effective is a cough syrup onthe basis of plantain. This drug is able to reduce the viscosity of phlegm and ensure its rapid passage from the respiratory tract. But there are some that include not only a plantain. These include a syrup called Herbion, which contains an extract of mallow flowers. The same can be said for Dr. Thiess syrup, which contains mint oil.

Cough syrup Prospan also has goodproperties. It contains an extract of ivy and promotes liquefaction of sputum, mild expectoration and a reduction in coughing attacks. You can take such a drug for children from the age of three months on the prescription of a doctor.

To reduce the viscosity of phlegm will also help and syrupfrom cough Ambrobene, which acts on the basis of ambroxol. This drug removes inflammation and has a good expectorant effect, and also strengthens local immunity. This drug is used even for newborns. But one should remember the consultation with the doctor, which is extremely necessary when coughing at this age.

It is often prescribed Lazolvan syrup, whichhelps to get rid of dry cough. Its action is very similar to Ambrobe, namely, it liquefies phlegm, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

If your child is six months old,In this case, a drug called Eucabal can be used. It is a herbal preparation that is used against the inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.

Cough syrup Dr. Mom has long since becomepopular due to its effective action and pleasant taste, which children like so much. This preparation contains only plant components, it lacks alcohol and other substances, including sleeping pills. The composition of the syrup Dr. Mom includes: the root of ginger and licorice, an extract of aloe and basil, menthol, as well as nightshade and other plants.

In addition, onion syrup from cough is consideredalso quite effective folk remedy. But still before using it is recommended to consult with a doctor. After all, the result can be unpredictable, especially if it concerns the child.

As you can see, there are a lot of cough syrups, but how to make the right choice for your child, only the doctor will tell!