Motherwort in tablets


In modern life conditions, peoplealmost always in a state of stress. If such a nervous breakdown continues for a long time, there is a possibility of adverse effects on the whole organism. How can you cope with stress? How to make the heart listen to the voice of reason? How to stop feeling pressure changes from nervous tension and return to normal life? After all, the prolonged state of stress often leads to a complete decline in strength.

A motherwort can help in tablets. In itself, this medicinal plant has been used by people for many years to bring the pressure back to normal, to calm the nervous system. Very often, alcoholic tincture is used. But now it is possible to buy a motherwort in tablets. It is about this drug form of the drug that will be described in this article.

Motherwort in tablets in many respectsmuch more convenient than in the form of tincture. After all, the basis of tincture is alcohol, and not everyone can use it. In addition, it is very inconvenient to wear such a drug in a purse and for constantly looking for whatever medication to drip. Probably, only for small children it will be more convenient to use drops, because you can accurately measure the required dosage, and drink tincture better than the tablet. But this applies to children. Adults, no doubt, is most suitable for the tablet form of this drug.

Typically, the tablet contains about 0.014 grams of the extract of the plant. According to medical indicators and characteristics, the drug can be classified as a sedative drug group.

At the first sign of prolonged depression ora nervous breakdown must begin taking a motherwort in pills. The drug is usually prescribed by a doctor, but anyone can purchase it, since the medicine is available and does not require a prescription. It is often prescribed to calm the nervous system, also with vegeto-vascular dystonia. In addition, the drug has the property of excellent pressure reduction, and therefore shown in hypertension.

On how to take Leonurus in tablets,detailed description of the concomitant drug instructions. Here you can only say that the drug is better not to take during pregnancy, as well as those people who have an individual intolerance of the components of the motherwort.

There are also some side effects. With prolonged use of the drug may be a failure in the gastrointestinal tract, there is a possible occurrence of allergic reactions.

Take the pill before eating. Dosage - one tablet three to four times a day. In some varieties of the drug, vitamin B6 and magnesium can be added to the tablets. These components can not only calm nervous excitability, but also relax the muscles.

Motherwort in tablets can be taken inpreventive measures, for example, if complex situations are identified that can cause great psycho-emotional stress. After a certain time of taking the drug, the nervous system will become stronger, and it will be much easier to transfer complex life situations.

In addition to all the above pharmacologicalproperties, motherwort has the ability to improve metabolism, reduce the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, normalize its acidity. In the process of taking the drug, the human body is much better at digesting the proteins in the food. Women during the menopause drug will help cope with serious hormonal changes.

In order to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to take the drug for at least two weeks.