The agent "Betamethasone". Instructions for use


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The drug "Betamethasone", analogues of the medicine(for example, "Diprospan") belong to the category of glucocorticosteroids for local and systemic use. Medications have antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect, have anti-allergic and glucocorticoid effects. The agent "Betamethasone" (instructions for use contains this information) is able to interact in the cytoplasm of the cell with specific receptors. The formed complex penetrates into the cell nucleus, interacts with DNA and activates the synthesis of mRNA. The drug has an effect on different phases of inflammation. Due to the stabilization of cell membranes, the concentration of lysosomal enzymes is reduced, their yield is prevented. The drug is able to improve microcirculation, reduce vascular permeability, provoke vasoconstriction in capillaries, reduce exudation of fluid. By reducing the synthesis and production in mediators of allergy, antiallergic effect is manifested. The drug "Betamethasone" (reviews of doctors confirm this) has, among other things, antitoxic, anti-shock effects, has an immunosuppressive effect.


The drug is recommended for shocks atbackground of burns, injuries, surgical, cardiogenic, toxic, anaphylactic, hemotransfusion type. The indications include anaphylactoid and allergic reactions (severe and acute course), edema in the brain (on the basis of tumors and injuries), bronchial asthma. "Betamethasone" medication instructions for use recommend for systemic pathologies in connective tissue, red systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyrotoxic crisis, adrenal insufficiency of acute type, hepatic coma, acute hepatitis.

betamethasone instructions for use
The drug is prescribed for cauterizationfluids and compounds (to prevent inflammation and scarring). The intra-articular agent is administered with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's disease. Oral (in tableted form) the drug "Betamethasone" instruction for use recommends for systemic pathologies in connective tissue, nodular periarteritis, acute, inflammatory joint diseases, allergic rhinitis, Quinck's edema, contact dermatitis, allergic manifestations with medication and other conditions.


betamethasone analogs

The agent "Betamethasone" (instructions for usewarns of this) is not recommended for hypersensitivity. If necessary, short-term use for life indications intolerance is the only contraindication. Oral and parenteral medication is not prescribed for herpetic lesions, systemic mycoses, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency states, pathologies in the digestive tract. Contraindications include congestive heart failure, psychosis in acute flow. Intra-articular drug is contraindicated in case of instability in the joints, pathological bleeding, intra-articular infections. External medicine is not prescribed for tuberculosis, syphilitic skin lesions, post-vaccination reactions, rashes in children under one year of age due to diaper rash and other conditions.