Diarrhea remedies and pills


This phenomenon, like diarrhea, is often found in modern people. The reason for it may be:

- malnutrition,

- reception of a large number of antibiotics,

- eating low-quality products,

- stress, nervous breakdown,

- stay in countries with fairly poor health standards, as well as eating food and water,

- a large number of sweets eaten,

- babies have diarrhea at the time of teething.

Wait until the diarrhea disappears by itself, not worth it. It is better to buy pills for diarrhea. However, initially it is better to consult a doctor, so as not to harm your health.

Antidiarrhoeal preparations

Many are wondering what to treat diarrhea. Means of diarrhea today the pharmaceutical industry is produced very much. One of them is Aetuza. Most often, these tablets are given to babies if diarrhea is associated with teething. This is quite an effective tool for getting rid of diarrhea caused by the use of immature vegetables and fruits.

If there is a "tourist" diarrhea, it is betteruse such a remedy for diarrhea, as Arsenicum Album. This drug also removes symptoms that can accompany diarrhea. It's chills, excessive weakness, thirst and intense excitement.

When along with diarrhea there are also pains,which disappear when the body is tilted or in a certain position, the pill from diarrhea "Kolotsint" will help. With nausea and a foamy green stool, Ipecakuan is taken.

Doctors prescribe such tablets against diarrhea, asLoperamide. It is very effective in cases of severe diarrhea. However, take the drug should not more than 4 capsules per day. Otherwise, you can seriously damage your health. Overdose in rare cases even leads to death. When Loperamide does not help, and the condition only worsens, you need to consult a specialist. After all, there are contraindications to this drug, if:

- poisoning with antibiotics,

- diarrhea is caused by acute dysentery,

- Diarrhea is a consequence of colitis.

Help in the fight against diarrhea and such drugs,as "Riabal" and "Atropin". They cope with spasms, which often accompany this unpleasant affliction. These diarrhea tablets are harmless if taken in moderation. Only they will not act as quickly as one would like at times. Here, a side effect is possible in the form of drowsiness or a slight arousal.

In rare cases, doctors prescribe for diarrheaantibiotics. Obligatory such drugs, if diarrhea continues for a long time, and the patient's condition only worsens. Take these pills in case of serious illness (AIDS, heart problems). If infections are diagnosed in the stool, antibiotics are also recommended for use.

Treatment of diarrhea is always a complex help to the body. You can not resort solely to taking pills. Be sure to adhere to a special diet.

Diets with diarrhea

If diarrhea has occurred unexpectedly and is acute,You need 2 days to starve, but drink as much pure water as possible. You can drink tea or berry broth. However, it is not recommended to put any sugar in the liquid.

Contraindicated use of alcoholic beverages, coffee and even milk. All this applies to irritating fluids. However, it is desirable to add lemon juice to the water. It will have an antiseptic effect.

Only on 3 or even 4 days after the startdiarrhea, you can eat boiled rice or light oatmeal. After some time, you can enter the menu of low-fat dairy products. Gradually add to the diet and other products.

Only an integrated approach to the treatment of diarrheawill help to cope with this ailment. And you do not need to heal yourself. It is better to consult a doctor who will choose the right and effective pills for diarrhea.