Rheumatoid arthritis as one of the manifestations of rheumatism


Among systemic diseases of connective tissue,having an inflammatory component, rheumatism is most common. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of its characteristic manifestations. Arthritis in combination with carditis is the main symptom of rheumatism.

Causes of the disease and pathological changes occurring in the body

The main cause of the disease isbeta-hemolytic streptococcus from group A. There are data on the effect of viruses. But after all, many people have viral and infectious diseases, and they do not develop systemic diseases. Therefore, it can be concluded that rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis also occur with the influence of other factors. The influence of the hereditary factor has been proved, it has long been noted that in some families systemic diseases occur more often. Not the last value is given to failures in immunity. Infectious agents, antigens or viruses, lead to the appearance of immune inflammation in the heart, then there are autoantigens and an autoimmune process develops.

Systemic inflammatory reaction in the bodycauses changes in connective tissue. They occur in several stages, beginning with mucoid swelling, which is due to the delay in water mucopolysaccharides, and ending with fibrinoid necrosis. There is an accumulation of hyaluronic acid and chondroetin sulfate. Further, deposition of fibrinoid in the main substance and its vascular walls is observed. The next stage is the proliferation of cells, which are fibroblasts, plasma cells, etc. The last stage is the stage of sclerotic changes.

When does rheumatoid arthritis develop? Symptoms of the disease

The classic case is the development ofdiseases soon after the angina (about a month). If rheumatoid arthritis attacks not the first time, then this period is shortened. There are cases when arthritis appears immediately after hypothermia or in the initial stages of an infectious disease. Exacerbations can be provoked by other illnesses, overwork, prolonged physical exertion, etc.

The most characteristic manifestation of the disease isthe appearance of acute, changing the localization of inflammation of large joints. These changes are reversible. The appearance of inflammation in the joints is combined with a strong carditis. The disease begins acutely. The phenomena of polyarthritis rapidly progress, accompanied by febrile temperature, increased sweating. Chills, as a rule, are not observed.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by a verysevere pain in the joints, which is enhanced even with minor movements. The inflamed joint swells, a large amount of effusion appears in it. Skin covers in this place are hyperemic, hot to the touch. Movement in the joint is almost impossible. Usually, the disease affects symmetrical joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is called "volatile" because of its rapid onset in some joints and the equally rapid subsidence of pain in others. After two to four weeks, the pain passes, even if they are not treated. Modern medicine, owning modern drugs, eliminates the pain that appeared during the first days. Acute rheumatism is manifested by joint syndrome in the vast majority of cases.


Relationship of the disease with a recent anginaand the classic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis do not cause difficulties in diagnosis. Especially if this is not the first attack. In the blood test, you can see a marked neutrophilic leukocytosis. The dynamics of antistreptococcal antibodies increases. C-reactive protein appears in the blood, increased ESR and fibrinogen.


If rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed, treatmentspend in the therapeutic or profile rheumatological department of the hospital. It is important to protect the patient from physical exertion and to comply with bed rest. Assign hormonal drugs (prednisolone), non-steroidal non-hormonal drugs. Dosage is selected by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and the activity of the process. Antibacterial therapy of the penicillin series is prescribed, to which streptococcus is sensitive. Symptomatic therapy, physiotherapy for affected joints, and treatment in a sanatorium are also conducted.

Prevention of the disease is reduced to periodic examination and treatment of chronic infection.